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Everything posted by retarius

  1. I have a Honda generator and use that for selected circuits in the house.
  2. I wonder how domestic tourism stacks up against foreigners tourism in the cash stakes. Although when I think about TAT I do get suspicious, I mean how do they track domestic tourism (there's no TM30 for Thais is there?)? And how do they get the 808.2 billion baht from? Is that a combined total for both domestic and international tourism? That would be approximately 24.246 Billion dollars (including the .2 billion for accuracy and using approx a 33.3 rate for the dollar). Seems low for a combined total but high for a domestic only (the wording in the article is ambiguous. to me at least).
  3. I haven't come across any apps developed by any Institution or government (local or national) that actually work. God alone knows what a translated version looks like. I wonder why they don't use native English speakers to do the translation or at least to proof read the think two eliminate the thousands of errors.
  4. Scandalous decision. And what about using violence to prevent an election? Why no charges there?
  5. Now that the PM business has been dealt with, Srettha should dump all his coalition partners now and form a single alliance with Move Forward. And no way in hell should Anutin get any sort of cabinet post. He's the village idiot.
  6. I have dealt extensively with this shower of idiots when I was working. Had to work AI in there somewhere, bit as for dominating Thailand's future, how can it if the population can't code?
  7. A man with some sense.....plain Bob Smith, looks like Steptoe but has a brain on him.
  8. This is a problem with the Thai constitution which was supposed to keep the military in power for ever. It's not unprecedented, the Brits have the appointed and anachronistic House of Lords, which in my opinion should be abolished and replaced with a second parliament voted for by proportional representation But Thais don't vote for PM anyway and they Pita's party got only 30% of the vote. The parties in the coalition captured 70% of the vote so naturally the leader of the coalition should be PM. A new constitution is desperately needed imho.
  9. I'm glad it's over, but I do wish it had been Thaksin's daughter. With the exposure of the PM in Thailand, on the TV every night, you want someone easy on the eye. Not some ugly wretch like this, with dirt and corruption oozing from every pore.
  10. He wanted high end tourists who would spend lots of money and raise the value of tourism. It was a good idea from a marketing point of view. Now we have a lot of low end tourists who go into a bar with 5 straws and order one beer, or travel around in buses then block the sidewalk when they get off following a little flag. This means tourism, despite the high numbers, will always be a comparatively low earner here compared to what can be achieved in other markets. You the person
  11. One dead? Better have a lockdown and close the airports and get those dirty masks, that don't work, out again.
  12. Sorry that's nonsense.
  13. You see what they are doing in the UK....they make home charging be on a separate meter and charge double price for the electric and restrict use in mornings and evenings.
  14. My mistake, sorry,,,,I could swear I saw a picture on an escalator but memory at my age is precarious.
  15. Yes I'd like him to crack down on agents.....but he's not in power is he. As for the first two, I don't care, I can afford the increases with no problem at all.
  16. I think the extrajudicial killings probably saved a lot of kids' lives. When I came here they had nowhere near the problem that exist today with yaba. Same thinking that led the Americans to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that sometimes the noble end justifies the means. I don't necessarily agree with that line of thinking, but I don't think he should go to jail for anything. The trial was a politically motivated pig circus (in the words of Bob Dylan).
  17. Sound advice but it was the escalator that chewed the leg off the woman, he should avoid escalators as well.
  18. I'm shocked. I don't know if it is a great move because he's a pretty decisive character and apart from Trump I cannot think of another leader that is loathed so much, and the loathers will never change their mind. I remember when this board was filled with Thaksin loathers, they were obsessed, demonised. Having said that loads of people love him for what he achieved during office in the aftermath of the financial meltdown. Apart from Yingluck I can't think of anyone who did anything for Thailand. Ok Prayut has ordered some motorways....but they were supposed to be finished and opened in 2020....we're 3 years late and no where near finished.
  19. We just changed Thai baht abroad. Got offered a lousy rate at a major bank. I shopped around local currency changers and got almost spot rate, which was also better than I could have got in Thailand. But I think it is country specific. Ask a mate back home to check the rate at a local bank for you and if there are currency traders check them as well.
  20. Hotels do the reporting for you. The TM30 would be filed already.
  21. Yeah, Europe was really a beacon of freedom and tolerance in the Middle Ages when the Crusades began.
  22. Great move. Quality visitors, finally.
  23. Well done. You should be promoted.
  24. Good move shut this rubbish down. You want Thais dumbed down even further, allow FB to continue here. You want a chance of improvement, shut it down, shut it down.
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