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Everything posted by retarius

  1. I don't know what saving cooperatives are exactly....I imagine like in the old days the building societies, if you had a savings account with them, they would give you a mortgage.
  2. BTS fares at 20 baht seems like an insanity. Good for poor people BUT will BTS go insolvent at this level of fare? Can they handle increased passengers if the reduced fare beings many more riders? Can BTS afford investments at this price to make more trains available (somehow I doubt it).
  3. Not very convincing imho, and unscientific. The patients he describes (as reading about) have a stopped heart and it is well known that you can be revived for a short period of time afterwards. As a scientist, I would want to know, after brain death can you be revived? And what do brain death NDEs stories tell us? In clinical studies which have death as a possible outcome, death is usually defined as brain death with zero electrical activity, and not as a temporary heart stoppage.
  4. Thank you. I hadn't thought of that. So, assuming that enough hydrogen is burned to make a difference, then other things being equal, humidity might increase globally beyond current levels? And maybe, other things being equal, it might rain more? So although the atmosphere may not actually get any hotter, but it will feel hotter because of higher humidity? Is that correct reasoning? Overall good for grass but maybe not so great for crops (excess rain and flooding). Small note that doesn't affect your reasoning, given earths usual temperature: water's state depends on temperature, as does that of methane and CO2. All can can be solid, liquid or gas.
  5. Perhaps, but then again it might be true.
  6. Another miss? Is the "end nigh"? Unsurprising after 9 years of military misrule. I can't think of a military regime that boosted a country's economy after a coup. There must be some examples of good generals ruling wisely, can anyone help? Myanmar is definitely out.
  7. This is going to be interesting. If Pita is the real deal and is not just another self serving political hack, then he might have made a difference as opposition leader. The PT government with another 13 or so coalition members stand a high chance of being in disarray, which a canny politician, maybe like Pita can take advantage of. But the Dems are a really feeble and spent force and may well prove totally ineffective in opposition. Seeing them take on PT may well end up looking like a Sunday League football game with two weak teams on a muddy field.
  8. Same mosquito also carries the dengue virus. Given the recent increases in dengue, an increase in Zika virus infections is not unexpected.
  9. Another snout in the trough. A plum assignment, I trust it will make him extremely rich, if he is not already very rich.
  10. Is he speaking at this press conference? Did he ask for the press conference to be held? Is his medical condition political? You can be sick and it not be political, you know.
  11. Nice gesture, I'm sure it will only help his longed for recovery.
  12. I've had good results with AMEX, plus you get points that you don't have to track with AMEX. Good exchange rates and no extra charges. Small outfits sometimes put 3-5% on the bill to offset what the CC companies (including Thai bank ccs) charge so I tend to pay cash at smaller companies. I find bigger outfits usually don't charge any extra.
  13. The poor countries always get screwed don't they? Poor Tunisia. I have a question: if you burn hydrogen, you make water vapour, H20, which is another greenhouse gas, and which I have read is even more potent than CO2 at keeping heat in the atmosphere? Are we just replacing one greenhouse gas for another? Obviously the scientists are smart people and have thought of this and elected to go with hydrogen fuel, so where is some fault in my logic. Can some eagle eyed climate chappie tell me what it is? Another thing: being cleaner than a current cement factory, steel making industry, or a petrochemical plant is not a really such a great advert for this new technology. Well, let's say these claims havn't made me rush out and buy shares in hydrogen companies.
  14. Yeah the EU is doing really great....Germany especially. Weak leadership by spineless and/or unelected fools and who now have zero growth. And growth was never much too crow about and pretty much always lower than the US.
  15. Yeah the EU is doing really great....Germany especially. Weak leadership by spineless idiots and zero growth
  16. Certainly is a rule....I wonder whether the police will enforce it against a wealthy man though?
  17. Thanks, I never heard of this before. I'm not sure what a one shot gun is good for? I'd like to have a magazine full of hollow points myself.
  18. Anyone know what a 'pengun' is?
  19. Pickpocketing, rather like Arthur Askey, you don't much about either of them these days. The Cambodians were probably short of money and wanted a sandwich.
  20. Why did he kill his family and not the loan scammers?
  21. This is why I never went into property rentals. My son makes an awful lot of money from it, but it is a hassle dealing with some of the low-lives that rent, or rather don't pay rent and trash apartments. Is it low-lives or low-lifes?
  22. I don't much care if he "sold out", I was never a member of the MF fan club. But I do care that he gets the economy, which is in sink mode with Prayut's massive borrowing campaign. I'd like to see him do something for the poor people In Thailand. I heard Srettha wants a 600 baht minimum daily wage. On strictly moral grounds I support it, but on economic grounds it will be a disaster and isn't going to bring any foreign investment which is currently fleeing Thailand and going to Vietnam where the wages are cheaper. Globalisation appeared to be dead and relying on exports is a strategy that will not bring good results. Exports are in a downwards spiral and tourism isn't delivering hampered as it is by taxi scams which ensure that quality tourists don't return for a second visit. A 600 baht wage will increase the price of hotels which will kill off a few more tourists including domestic ones. Overall the picture looks bleak. I'd give a thought to increasing the taxes on the mega rich and giving the money to poor people to spend on food, soap, TVs and furniture. and the necessities of life.
  23. If you wish to 'reside' (a legal definition of residence) in Thailand ie spend more that 180 days a year here you are not entitled to NHS treatment under the law as I understand it. I kept my NHS doctor for years though and no one noticed. I don't have a UK pension so I don't know about taxes and/or increases in pensions. Here in Thailand many people simply don't inform the government and have a relative receive the pension and send it to him. One chap got caught claiming the winter fuel allowance and had to pay his increases back over the years and all his heating allowances. So it's good to cheat if you don't get caught. You might want to get legal advice about the differences between 'domicile' and 'residence'. Most people are confused on this.
  24. I always have trouble with online reporting but I'm old. I get my adopted son to do it. There was still a baht bus on Theprasit, in March of this year. I don't know anything about real estate taxes, we have a house on army land and have to pay rent every 5 years.
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