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Everything posted by retarius

  1. Can we have someone honest? Please, just for this one time.
  2. Probably the difference between top politicians, top businessmen and ordinary people....the people that lust for power and aspire to the top have no shame and no morals. Just look at America for Thailand. No wonder they don't care a fig for ordinary folk. Prayut promised and promised to bring 'happiness to the people" and what did he do, lined his own pockets and those of his ugly cronies.
  3. I disagree, roads are for people with road worthy vehicles....not home-made accidents ready top happen....imho.
  4. Democracy shouldn't be this hard, should it?
  5. She accepts it, thanks me, and then changes her behaviour. No silly, she accepts it, thanks me, and then totally ignores what I have said.
  6. The authorities need to get these homemade contraptions off the roads. Tuk-tuks (ting-tongs) as well....horrid form of "transport."
  7. $3000 odd dollars over six years? Not exactly life changing is it? How much did she spend on tickets that didn't win? Lotteries are form people who don't understand maths.
  8. Good news. Some good, decent paying, jobs, no doubt. If I had a child I would have him learn Chinese.
  9. What has Thailand focused on in it's economy. Lat time I looked Manufacturing was about 50% of the economy implying 8% of the work force. Agriculture was 10% of the economy employing 50% of the workforce.
  10. I was under the impression that El Nino was a phenomenon that comes around every few years? Why don't they do what they did last time, since we seems to have survived that catastrophe? My guess is that they'll establish sub-committees to ignore the problem. How about sacrificing some puppies and kittens to the rain gods?
  11. Are there any depths humans won't stoop to? Who are these people hoping to win the lottery by sacrificing animals to a statue? They haven't evolved since Roman times have they?
  12. My policy only covers 1 million baht per accident....so in this case I'd have to fork out the extra 300K....not so bad! But imagine of you wrote the Rolls off, my wife told me it cost 33 milion baht...so I'd only owe 32 million.
  13. What Thai motor industry? Assembling cars for Japanese companies eager to get around the 300% import duty doesn't qualify as a motor industry. Where's the research? Where are the improvements? Thai assembled cars are a pale shadow of their originators brands in their own country. Consumers get ripped off both ways, higher prices and lower specs.
  14. Most under-rated band? The Rolling Stones of course.
  15. What's that pink thing in the other photo?
  16. Yippee, another crap app from a government institution. I'll give it a miss. Yes I am prejudging, but it is Baysian statistics....we have prior information that mo government inspired app ever works, so why would thins one?
  17. I've had a living will prepared. It doesn't specify an autopsy, and what good is it to me anyway? If it shows foul play, what recourse do I have? I don't understand the "last Laugh" quip? Can the dead laugh?
  18. Look for one in India. Cheapest in the world, and best off all, you don't have to pay for very long.
  19. Poor you, Pita (bread), someone is making toast out of you. But off you were worldly and had the skills to run a country like Thailand, shouldn't you have anticipated and planned for this? There's a pithy American adage about 'turkeys voting for Christmas' which fits the situation. I have no sympathy for you. Anyone with any knowledge of Thai politics at all know they would come after you with petty trumped up charges, party disqualifications etc. Why would Thai senators vote for you if you threatened their livelihood? They wouldn't be turkeys would they. Too much self interest at stake and Section 112 is always a convenient way to lock up people they disagree with. They have families to take care of and being booted out of the senate by someone young enough to be their grandson, is not on their agenda.
  20. Silly me, here's me thinking that Buddhist monks were not supposed to have cash.
  21. I must say that I thought the insanity of the post election shenanigans would have hurt the baht. I have some money I want to bring over and have been waiting for the baht to drop. The other observation here is that if China has such a profound effect on the regions economy, it might be wise to help and not rock the boat by flirting with the US.
  22. You have to apply for the visa again.....you cannot extend an expired one.
  23. What does economic growth of 3% mean for the average Thai? He gets nothing from it because all the profit from the growth goes to the fat cats in business (and government as grift).
  24. Truly great news. I have not heard a forecast from TAT for a while and worried that they had been shot to put them out of their misery.....but, thank god they are alive and can still do forecasts of tourists that are the most relevant and interesting thing in my life (I use the numbers for the lottery). Can someone tell me what the point of TAT is?
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