Thanks much for the examples. I own a condo in Bkk, set up the website for that address, and plan to fill out the name, passport, address, check in date, etc when we arrive. We will stay for 82 days. I was curious about the "Check out date" and the resulting "Number of nights" and noticed you left it blank.
I may be applying for an extension, in which case we would be there until May 28 and I could input that check out date. However, we may be making a trip out of Thailand around day 45. In this case, can I leave the check out date blank? Or would I fill in May 28, and then modify the check out date once we firm up the trip plans, and then file a new TM30 upon re-entry to Thailand?
Additionally, we may be completing some in country by car, and one by air, both under a week, and both returning to the residence indicated on the original TM30. What are the rules for TM30 regarding these types of travel.
Thanks for any help on this.