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Everything posted by Irrumator

  1. No meds at all, just healthy eating in sensible proportions, Mr Troll. And learn to read, I got to 64 kgs, not 74.
  2. Rubbish. Try Googling 'familial hypercholesterolaemia' then argue with my cardiologist and my (late) mother. But she died of the effects of extreme old age, not some ancients 1970s fad about eating fat. You do know that cholesterol is a natural product produced by the body in the liver, yes? Ingesting more from fatty foods intake will be regulated by the liver anyway. Worse for you is sugar intake and my glucose levels are 78 with a ranger f 75 to 150. Aain, my cardiologist is delighted with my results. That's because sugar is the killer, not fat. What such old hat ideas you espouse.
  3. Of which I have no sign.
  4. About 260 total (pretty normal for a 74 year old) but neither my cardiologist or I are worried because of the long words I used earlier which you plainly don't understand. Nor do you understand it's the ratio between total chol, HDL and LDL levels which are important and mine are spot on. A nice meal of fried belly pork and a couple of fried duck eggs (amongst other high fat foods have kept me healthy for 6 years now. Never felt better, 55 kgs off and kept off and I'm not living in the 70s, afraid of eating fat the way you see to be doing. I bet you still cut all visible fat off your steaks. ???? Fancy still believing in over 50 year old tosh and basing your life on such outmoded ideas!
  5. As a friend who is a Professor of Child Psychiatry once said to me 'Measuring cholesterol is a very imprecise science'. As to the scaremongering and obviously unknowledgeable OP, he needs to stop reading rubbish and learn something about medicine before posting. I've been eating keto since May 8th 2017 and within 8 weeks my blood pressure had dropped from 145/95 to 100/60. The practice nurse was astonished and stopped using the little battery machine and took it the old way using a sphygmomanometer - same result. I eat about 70 to 80% fat, 20% or so of protein and 5% carbs. My total cholesterol is slightly raised, true, but that's because high cholesterol runs in the family (familial hypercholesterolaemia) and my old mum had high cholesterol until the day she died aged 101 and one day! So fiddlesticks to your half-cocked notions and reading matter, I lost 55 kilos overall and I have kept it off for almost 6 years.
  6. Those are the plastic police known as 'tessakit' but are similar to PCSOs in the UK.
  7. And those in Ukraine, mostly dead.
  8. What I have decided to do is to just go with it, because trying to fight the early waking just makes it worse. If I wake at say 2 or 3 am, I just get up, make a pint mug or 3 of strong tea and get on the PC. I stay on until I get tired, which is not often. I can get so much done! Catching up on emails and social media, a lot of writing and watching Netflix. I try to get back to bed after 9 and have a nap or wait until the early afternoon.. Seem to be working out OK so far and I've cut out all pre-bed alcohol too.
  9. Yes my thoughts exactly. I could tell within 2-3 days it wasn't helping.
  10. @Sheryl, one thing Id like to ask about as you appear to be medically qualified. I saw the shrink at Sritanya as a followup to my sleep problems and not only did she suggest I take 4 mgs of clonazepam (I thought a lot) but she also prescribed 'Mealin 30 (mianserin Hcl 30 mgs). She explained it was a TCA but with the side effect of making people very drowsy so she was prescribing it 'off-book' to see if it would help. In a few words, it didn't. I still woke at 3 am or so but felt terrible. I tried it for about 10 days but the side effects were really bad. I was like a zombie until 11 am or 12 noon, couldn't think straight,. was irritable and tetchy. When I got up I stumbled from roof to room, having to hold on to handrails and door jambs. My wife says I wasn't the same person she's know for 15 years and I felt it. I stopped after day 10 even though I know I am supposed to let it run for 2 to 3 4 weeks but I just knew I wasn't right. My gross motor control was all over the place, I was stumbling, dropping things or missed when trying to pick them up. My fine motor control was the same - couldn't tie shoelaces properly, handwriting was like a year olds, couldn't really grasp a pen etc. Any thoughts/comments/ etc? It was nasty stuff and I couldn't see me taking it for a month. I'd rather stay awake.
  11. Great, I'll get the wife to call the sister later tonight
  12. Been doing keto for almost 6 years and this problem only started about 4 - 6 weeks ago.
  13. I have been doing keto and intermittent fasting for 6 years, (lost 55 kgs and kept it off) and never eat after 5.30 pm, so I doubt it's that.
  14. I can get CBD oil through my biochemist sister in law. Might well try it. Any idea of dosage?
  15. I can get CBD oil through my wife's biochemist sister. Might give it a shot. Thanks
  16. My wife's family grow kratom on their farm. I've tried the odd half leaf but felt nothing. Any idea of dosage?
  17. How about an almost 54 year old wife, a 6 years professionally trained masseuse who thinks bending my arms up my back and my legs across each other and digging her elbows in? Do you think that might work? ????
  18. I'll look into both of those. Thanks.
  19. Thanks. I have tried hydroxyzine, alprazolam (Xanax) and clonazepam (Rivotril) over the years but none have been really effective. I don't like taking 4 mgs Rivotril but the doc has titrated the dose up from 1 mg over some months, but it only really works for a few hours. I used to have 3 Leos up until 6 years ago but stopped the when I started keto eating. I changed to whisky Thai style as spirits have no carbs and so I started having 45 mls whisky (I have a pharmacist's measuring glass) in a 250 ml glass, topped up with ice to the tp and then add soda water to the brim. Unfortunately I think I developed a tolerance to that and I ended u needing 3 glasses like that and I felt that was too much. I stopped mainly because of the price increases (I'd been drinking 100 Pipers and that went up so I changed to Bells and now that's gone up so it's the dreaded Hong Thong now, but I don't drink it in bed as my wife complains so I have a few swigs beforehand. It helps but it's not very pleasant. I should probably stop altogether, but it's comforting to know that if I wake about 3am, I can go for a few swigs which usually gets me off again for the rest of the night. Yes yes, I know I shouldn't mix alcohol and sleeping tablets but I have never had any adverse effects, ever. To be honest, I think I have started to develop a tolerance to alcohol over the years and I don't want to get into having to drink more and more because that's a very slippery slope.
  20. Well, I've been doing it 6 years and this problem has only cropped up in the last few weeks, so I doubt it.
  21. I've never taken a non prescription drug in my life, such as cannabis and don't intend to start now at my age. Having said that, my wife's next younger sister is a biochemist and last year made me a tincture of CBD oil and other stuff (no idea what) to rub into my arthriticky knees. I can't say it did very much at all, but I didn't tell her so as not to hurt her feelings. However, I could ask the wife if her sister could make something up I could take and see what happens. Maybe some drops under the tongue at night? Or some capsule? I have no idea, but I'd be prepared to try for a few weeks.
  22. The problem with that is that intensely dislike the taste of milk as a drink. Even in my morning pint mugs of strong unsugared tea (which wakens me great) I limit the amount of milk in the tea to 10 mls (measured). That's about enough milky taste that I can tolerate.
  23. I never eat after 5.30 pm and do Keto with all the trimmings
  24. I know it's 'a <space> lot', (no such word as 'alot') nor is it especially effective at keeping me asleep. It lasts about 3 hours or so, which fits in with the study graph I posted above when older people wake after the same length of time.
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