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Posts posted by makavelli

  1. Hi everyone,

    In the next few weeks I am going to be applying for British citizenship for my wife. We have all the correct ESOL life skills certificates and other documentation sorted but apparently we need to get a letter from the college that she attended and obtained the ESOL life skill certificates from.

    Does anyone know what exactly this letter has to say?

    Is there a specific content this letter has to contain or set out?

    any help would be much appreciated


  2. Hi everyone,

    Next summer myself and my wife are going to spend a few days in Chiang Mai then head down to Tak to visit some of her family. My question is, how long will it take to get to Tak from Chiang Mai and which mode of transport is best to use?

    Any help would be much appreciated


  3. I apologise Peace Blondie.

    I have a degree in Sport and Exercise Science, QTS and have been teaching P.E at a comprehensive school in the North East of England for the last 4 years. I have recently started my M.A in Advanced Education.

    Thanks everyone

  4. Thanks for all your replies.

    Using all the information posted I have decided upto the following for my 6 nights:

    Night 1 - Landmark hotel restaurant (We are staying in this hotel)

    Night 2 - Kinnaree - Thoughts?

    Night 3 - Vertigo

    Night 4 - Le Banyan - Thoughts?

    Night 5 - ?????

    Night 6 - ?????

    I would like to go to an very nice Italian restaurant - Any recommendations?

    Would you change any of the resturants I have already chosen?


  5. Going to Thailand next month and my mind is starting to think about my stomach troubles I have over the last few years. Last year on my trip I stayed clear of the vendors selling food, had no ice and brushed teeth using bottled water. On the whole I did feel alittle bit better but not 100%.

    During my trip the worst I felt was probably my 1st week in Thailand, my stomach was terrible. I had the runs and generally feeling un-well

    Anyone got any new advice or help to get rid of these problems?

    Thanks again

  6. My parents r coming to thailand for a holiday in the Summer and they will be staying in Pattaya for 7 nights. Can anybody recommend some nice bars to take them to for a few drinks, we are all staying at the Pattaya Marriott. No go-go's or anything like that

    Thanks everyone

  7. When in Pattaya I normally hire one of those automatic Honda Nouvos. I find them really easy to ride. I dont have a motorcycle license in the Uk or Thailand. I would recommend a place at the top of soi Pattayaland. It is run by a woman and her son, really trustoworthy.

  8. Hi everyone,

    Bringing my parents to Hua Hin in the Summer for a few days. I want to do some tourist things with them but have no idea what Hua Hin has to offer. any ideas would be much appreciated.

    Staying at the Hilton


  9. Thank you everyone for your replies.

    My parents and grandmother will be staying in Bangkok for 6 nights so really looking for 6 really nice restaurants to be able to take them to. My grandmother cannot really walk that far, however we will be able to get a taxi.

    If u had 6 nights, where would your top 6 restaurants be? Any cuisine


  10. Yes they would try Thai cuisine but not from one of the vendors on the street.

    They r in Bangkok for 5 nights and each night I want to take them to a beautiful, highly rated restaurant (Does'nt matter which cuisine)


  11. Hi everyone,

    My parents r visiting Bangkok with myself and my wife this Summer. I would like to know some really top notch restaurants to go to. We r staying in the Landmark.

    Me and my wife tried Vertigo last year so I think that will be a place to go to.

    Any other ideas?

    Thanks again

  12. Hi everyone,

    I thinking of spending a few nights in this hotel in the Summer. Expedia have a superior room for £53per night. I was just wondering if any other board members have stayed in this hotel.

    Any information would be much appreciated


  13. Hi everyone,

    We r just busy completing the application form so my wife can extend her non-biometric passport for the 2 year extension until 2010.

    Can this application form be sent off by post or do we need to make an appointment at the Thai Embassy in London?

    I thought we could do it by post but she said one of her friends said that we need to make an appointment at the Thai Embasy.

    Which is correct?


  14. Is Silom area near where they have the big Patpong Market on a nightime?

    Many good bars around this area?

    Staying a few days on Sukhumvit but might stay on Silom and try some places there afterwards.


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