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Posts posted by makavelli

  1. Hi everyone,

    I am just hoping some of the board members will be able to give me some information regarding countries which you dont need a appointment to obtain a visa.

    Myself and my wife (She has ILR) would like to take a break for a couple of days to somewhere like spain, poland, somewhere like that, but the problem is I know alot of countries only give out visa's by appointment and its a long trip for us get to London due to us living in the North-East - especially seeing as we only want a visa for a couple of days holiday in that certain country.

    Any help would be much appreciated

    Thanks everyone.

  2. Heading to Bangkok in the Summer and spending a few nights in Bangkok. Was there last Summer and had a couple of visits to the Q bar, it was good. Does anyone know of any other "Top" rated bars in Bangkok like Q bar?

  3. I would also like some information on BKK - Hua Hin.

    On estimation how long would it take from a hotel in Sukhumvit to Hua Hin being driven in a normal taxi, also how much?

    I am thinking of making the journey in Summer 07 but am abit put off if its too long of a journey!

    Thanks everyone,

  4. hi everyone,

    I am currently booked up for 24 nights in Thailand in July/August but I am considering increasing my stay by 4 extra days. The only problem is my China Business class tickets have already been issued to me by the travel agent. Does anyone know how much it is to change the return date on my ticket to a later date?

    Thanks everyone.

  5. Thanks everyone for their replies,

    Truthfully do people think drinking Yakult everyday while I am in LOS will give me some protection from the nasty stomach troubles?

    After reading people advice on this topic I think I am going to :

    1) Steer clear from any ice

    2) Clean my teeth using bottled water

    3) No eat anything from vendors - No meat products such as sausages on a stick, chicken on a stick, however is eating rice from the vendors ok??

    4) Take 2-3 Electrolyte drinks per day

    5) Drink 1 Yakult every morning when I wake up

    6) Take 1 spoonful of Peptp Bismol every morning - What r people thoughts on this??

    Any other things I should add or delete from the list above?

    Thanks everyone.

  6. Hi everyone,

    Me and my wife (She is Thai) r staying 4 nights in Bkk in the Summer. We never normally stay in BKK but this year we have decided to do a few nights in the capital. My question is, can anyone give tell some decent bars, pubs and restaurants to visit. We r staying at the Bel Air-Princess. I have heard some people talking about Gullivers? Nane plaza?

    Also what time do the bars and pubs close in BKK?

    Any advice would be much appreciated

    Thanks everyone.

  7. Thanks everyone for their replies.

    Is the pool really that bad for Germans nicking all the Sun-Loungers?

    I might have to pack my Union Jack towel and Union Jack swimming trunks just to the piss the German's off!

    It would work a whole lot better if we win the world-cup! Come on England!

    I am really looking forward to spending 3 weeks in the Pattaya Marriott.

    Is the pool well kept?


  8. Hi Guys, I am staying in the Pattaya Marriott for 3 weeks in the Summer and just want some info on what it is like?

    Good rooms? (I am staying in a deluxe garden view)

    Nice pool?


    I will be staying here with my Thai wife so we should'nt get any problems from security guards asking for her ID every night will we?

    Thanks everyone.

  9. Hi Pattaya fox, hows things going mate?

    U got any suggestions for my bad stomach?

    When u next in Thailand?

    I am across in July for a month, maybe we could meet up for a few beers in the Thai Rose!

  10. Hi everyone, thanks for all their replies to this topic, I really appreciate it.

    There r so many different opinions to what is good to take.

    Obviously in the Summer when I visit LOS I am going to have to steer clear of vendors selling meat because I clearly have a sensitive stomach. Also make sure I always use bottled water when I brush my teeth and to wash my hands as often as possible.

    However with some much different advice on what to take I am confused, some people r saying taking a yoghurt drink everyday while in LOS will do nothing for my stomach. Personally speaking I was considering taking a couple of electrlyte drinks everyday and 2 spoonfuls of Pepto Bismol everyday plus one of the Yoghurt drinks in the morning when I wake up. what do u think?

    Cheers eveyone.

  11. I was going to start drinking a product called Yakult about 10 days before my trip and when I am in LOS continue with a bottle of it everyday for the remainder of my trip.

    Dou people think this will help?

  12. Sometimes when I clean my teeth I wet my toothbrush using the water from the tap, is this incorrect?

    I dont drink chang or Singa. When I am out I drink Heiniken or Tiger.

    I think I am going to give trying those yoghurt drinks a week before I go to LOS and continue using them every morning when I wake up and see if they can help my stomach get rid of the nasty bacteria. Thoughts

  13. thanks everyone for all their replies. I have been searching on the internet and cant seem to be able to buy Dukoral anywhere in the UK. Has anyone else got hold of this vaccine?

    When I am in Thailand me eating habits really are'nt too bad. I normally have a english breakfast in the morning, sandwhich or some rice and chicken in afternoon and me and my wife go out somewhere for a nice meal on the night.

    If I take a spoon full Pepto-bismol everyday, will this be affective towards my stomach troubles?

  14. Hi everyone, I know this topic will have been covered several times but I would just like some help and advice about it if possible.

    Everytime I visit Thailand I am ok for the 1st week or so then I suddenly get a bad stomach and the feeling like my body is totally run down. I just feel terrible. Always needing the toilet for a number 2, no energy, sweating. Last year one time when I went to the toilet for a number 2 I was wipping my arse after the duty was done I seen blood in my crap, well I was really worried, couple more wipes but no-more blood, I put it down to a clot of blood in my crap!

    It really gets me down and spoils the rest of my trip. Last year a took electrolite power every morning when I woke up and another before I went out but I still got sick. The only thing I can put it down to is sometimes when I go to places such a KFC, pizza hut etc etc I drink ice-chiiled water from the container that is on the side, not realizing that the ice will have been made up for their local tap water, this correct?

    Another thing is that when I have had a few beers :o sometimes I buy some meat products from the guys pushing the vending carts, could this be a cause?

    My trip is 3 months away and I have been racking my brain of what I can do so this trip is not spoiled. I have read that I can take a spoon full of pepto-bismol every morning may help me not get the stomach bug, true??

    Has anyone else got any ideas that may help me out because I would be very greatful!

    Thanks everyone.

  15. Hi Guys, very interesting set of views.

    Me and the wife (she is Thai) r planning on spending a few nights in Bangkok before we head down to Pattaya. We have booked a hotel on Sukhumvit (Bel-Air Princess), should we know of any places that we should steer clear of and not going drinking and partying there?

    The missus was telling me last night that she is alittle worried about getting a taxi after hours because u dont know who u r getting a taxi from. She was telling me that she has read stories in Thai newspapers of so-called taxi drivers picking people up and driving them to somewhere secluded and mugging them.I just brushed off and said dont worry, I am well built lad who can handle himself, so would this put any Thai taxi mugger off? also has anybody else heard of this happening?

    Thanks people.

  16. I dont know where to stay in Bangkok, either sukhumvit or Patpong.

    If I stay in a hotel like Bel-Air Princess on Sukhumvit, how far is it to Patpong market?

    Also what is Patpong like for partying?

    Is Sukhumvit better area to stay?

  17. Hi people

    I am looking to book a hotel for me and the wife (who is Thai) to stay 4 nights in Bangkok, we r looking for a nice hotel (4or5 star) which is near the action, anyone got any recommendations?

    I have been looking at the Dusit Thani bangkok, I know this hotel is near Patpong. We have never stayed in Bangkok because we normally just head straight down to Pattaya so i have no idea where is busy to go out drinking and partying.

    I know people will reply and say dont stay in bkk just head straight down to Pattaya. The wife wants to go and do some tourist stuff in Bangkok so thats why we r staying 4 days before we head down to the wonderful world of Pattaya.

    So any help would be much appreciated cause I know ###### all about Bangkok cause personally I cant stand the place!

    Cheers lads.

  18. hi everyone, I am planning on going to Chaing Mai next Summer with the wife for a few days before we hit Pattaya. I was just wondering where the busiest parts of Chaing Mai r with all the bars and stuff, we would like to stay in a nice hotel nearby the action, any got any ideas?

    Thanks guys

  19. hi everyone, Next year me and the wife r thinking about going to Poland with my parents to go and visit some of the relations. My question is, what kind of visa do I need to get for my wife to get into Poland.

    I spoke to my father and he says we will be travelling on the ferry to Amsterdam then driving into Poland, he says in Poland there is no passport check as we r driving so does this mean she will need to get a visa for Amsterdam only?

    Currently the visa she has in the Uk is the first year of her settlement visa but by the time next year comes round she will only have 3 months left to finish of the 2 year settlement visa.

    Also when the settlement visa finishes what visa do when then apply for ?

    Thanks guys.

    I await your reply Scouse :o

  20. hi Singto, u stopping in Central Pattaya hotel in South Pattaya?

    If u r I am stopping there in July for a few weeks so let me know how the hotel is, I have stayed there before but it was a couple of years ago and it was a good clean hotel then.

    Anyway Ripleys haunted thing is a right laugh. I took my wife who is Thai and she was screaming her head off. Some parts of the tour u cant even seen your hand infront of your face and u dont know what is going to leap out at u next, also make sure the person in the lead has some sense of direction or u will be walking and bumping into the walls all day long. Also keep tight grip on that rope cause u dont want to loose anyone in there!

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