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Posts posted by makavelli

  1. Marriott

    Royal Cliff

    Hard Rock

    Dusit Resort


    Sheraton Pattaya resort

    Ambassador City Jomtien

    Siam Bayview

    Siam Bayshore

    Montien Pattaya hotel

    Asia Pattaya hotel

    Nova Lodge hotel

    Ocean Marine yacht club

    Horseshoe point resort and country club

    Sugar hut

  2. Hi Scouse, well last year she came across on a fiancee visa and then returned back to Thailand within the 6 months of that visa because they did not get married. I just think that he is trying to hide that he is married. When I went round to see him the first time he told me it was a settlement visa he had obtained for now, now I he says it is a 2 year working visa. Me thinks he is scared or ashamed to tell people that he is married to her.

  3. Hi people,

    Right my mate brought his Thai girlfriend over to the Uk about a year ago on a fiancee visa, she stayed for about 4 months and returned back to Thailand because they were'nt ready to get married etc etc. He has visited her many many times over the last year or so. He just got back yesterday from Thailand and told me that he is sorting a settlement visa (2years) for her to come over and stay in the Uk.

    Am I correct in thinking that u have to be married to get a settelment visa?

    He has told some people that he is'nt married to her and can get this settlement visa no problem at all and she can stay for 2 years in the Uk and work.

  4. Jack osbourne could'nt Box eggs!

    Did u see the condition of the so called ''ex world champion'' he was fighting. he was fat and totally out of condition.

    Personally speaking I think the fight might have been fixed or some kind of deal was made before hand. The way his opponent went down was very dramatic, the same way as the fighters go down in play fights they have in the rings in walking street and bars aroundPattaya.

    I also study boxing and have done alittle Muay Thai myself and his boxing skills were terrible, any decent puncher or someone who wanted to make contact with him would have done so numerous of times and put him on his fat arse!

    Hope he is Pattaya in July, I will get in the ring with the fat <deleted>!

  5. 1. Foster Cold

    2. Miller

    3. Corona

    4. Guiness

    5. Brown Ale

    7. Carling Cold

    8. Budweiser

    9. Kronenberg

    10. Super Boc (Me and my mates drank this while on holiday in Portugal one year, this stuff is bastard strong, absolutely knackered the lot of us thats why it made the list)

    I am only 24 so still learning, so give me 10 years and my list will change drastically!

  6. I know this might be a stupid question but in the summer myself and my thai wife r going to go to Thailand for a few weeks. Currently she has a 2 years marriage visa. So we r flying from Manchester via Dubai then 3 hour wait then onto Thailand,

    She wont need any kind of visa for Dubai will she?

    Also my brother is getting married in Italy and obviously we want to go and were just wondering how hard it would be for her to get a visa for Italy to stay for 1 week.

    Thanks everyone.


    Scouse I wait for your reply! :o

  7. I would like my Thai wife to improve her English skills aswell but the cost of the course where I live is ridiculous!

    I looked yesterday and for a 3 month part-time course at the local college it is going to cost £1809!!

    But if she was one of these bastard asylum seekers she would get it for nothing because this ######ing shitty goverment would pay for it!! :o

  8. I have seen alot of people have been suffering from the dreaded dodgy stomach bug while they have been away. I myself suffered this same fate at Christmas time. It put my on the sidelines for 3-4 days. For them 3-4 days all I did was having a sick feeling in my stomach and <deleted> my back out. I took immodium and then I went to see the doctor and he told me I should'nt be taking these because they kind of bung things up and stop the bug from getting out of your system naturally.

    I am going to LOS in July and dont want to suffer again from the same thing, any suggestions of good medicine available on the net or in local chemists?

    been reading a few things on the internet regarding ''travellers stomach'' they recommed a product called dukoral but the problem is I cant find it anywhere to purchase (I am in theUK). Another one I was looking at was Bio-Kult and this is readily available, just dont know which one is the best.

  9. I came to Thailand 3 years ago just by off chance because I booked to go travel around australia and the travel agent told me I have a free stop over in either Las Vegas or Thailand, naturally I have never heard anything about thailand so I decided to check it out. Stayed for a week and set off my trip around Australia, well that last a 3 weeks instead of 3months and I fly back to Thailand to spend the rest of the trip there. what a great decision!! :o

  10. Hi Ladies,

    I just wondered how many of the ladies on this forum have Thai partners and for the other ladies who are single and dont like Thai men what do u do when u feel '' lonely''? Do u go out on the pull for Thai men or Farang men?


  11. Thanks Scouser I knew I could count on u for giving me the answer to my question.

    Scouse when u next in Pattaya?

    I am there 19th July till 11th August and I would love to meet up with u and buy u a few beers as a thank for for all the help and advice u have given me over the last year or so.

    Thanks again mate.

  12. Last week my wife received her passport back from the Thai embassy in London because she wanted to change her surname in her Thai Passport to my British surname. Everything is fine with her passport being endorsed with the Thai stamp and with her new surname written down on the page following her original photo page.

    My question is I have booked to go to Thailand in the summer and I have a ticket for my wife in her new surname, this wont cause any problems in the UK airports or in Bangkok will it?

    They wont say that her surname on the ticket is not matching up with the one on the main page(Page at back of passport with Photo and date of birth on etc etc). They will just look for the endorsed page with her new surname on wont they?

    Thank everyone, take care.

  13. Hiya lads great to hear from u all.

    How is everyone?

    I do most of my posting now on the FLB site (Pattaya pages)

    What happened to the Pattaya at night board?

    me and wendal used to love going on there and having abit crack with u all.

    I am back in Pattaya on the 19th July for 3 weeks and so is Wendal, is anyone else out there and up for meeting up for a few beers.

    Hope u r all good!

  14. This morning my wife got her passport back after having it endorsed with her new British surname, in all it took weeks and that included waiting for the application form from Thai embassy in London then sending all the required documents back so the endorsement can take place.

    On her current visa it still has her Thai surname on it, but I spoke to woman at immigration and she said it did'nt matter if her Thai surname was different to the one in the passport photo because immigration can clearly see that we have had it endorsed and that we r married.

  15. Just got a price flying on 20th July and returning 12th August, £514 including tax aswell, flying economy with Emirates from Manchester, as London is abit too far, I am from Sunderland and Newcastle ticket prices r around the £680 mark.

    Is this a good price or can anone else beat it?

    Cheers people :o

  16. hi everyone thanks for all your replies,

    My wife has currently got a 2year settlment visa then after that we have to apply for another 1 year then she can get a British passport, is that correct?

    Anyway I have applied to the Thai embassy for an application to endorse her new British surname onto her Thai passport. Are u all positive that she wont have to change on her Visa inside her passport because next time we go to Thailand I dont want any hassle from airport officials saying why is her names different on her passport and on her visa.

    Any advice will be much appreciated.

    Hope everyone is good. :o

  17. I have spoken to the Thai embassy in London today and they say all I have to do to change my wife's name on her passport to my British surname is get a application form frorm them which changes her name, easy eh!

    No for the part I was'nt ready for!

    So now that she is going to change her Thai surname to my surname this would mean that on her settlment visa it would still have her Thai surname on it, so I contacted the immigration office where I got her settlement from and they said it would cost me another £155 to change her name on her visa??

    Is this correct?

    Thanks everyone.

  18. Hi everyone hope u all had a nice christmas and new year.

    My wife obtained her settlement visa in November last year after we had married in October. We have recently returned from a trip to thailand where on her passport is says her Thai surname and also on her new settlment visa it says her Thai surname. She wants to change her Thai surnname to my name.

    How do i go about changing the name on the visa and the name on her passport to my surname?

    Thanks everyone.

  19. Today me and my thai wife went to Glasgow to get her a settlement visa. After 2 hours of form checks and payments desks she got her new visa. My question is, on her current thai passport it still has her thai surname on it and on the new settlment visa it has her thai surname on it, we only married last month so what do we need to do about changing her name to my surname on her passport and visa? can this be done?

    We r going away to thailand in december and the tickets from the travel agent have her thai surname on so we r going to leave it till when we get back to start the process of changing her surname to mine.

    Thanks everyone :o

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