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Posts posted by sabaii69

  1. U.S. military Veterans are being cheated out of just claims for medical care every minute of the day. This causes the suicide rate of Vets to be one (or more) dead every HOUR. This is the American system of rewarding Veterans Admin. workers for 'clearing' claims successfully against Veterans. They are given promotions and bonuses for assisting the Vets demise. We, I am a Vet, are hoping that Trump (not my choice for POTUS) will help Vets as promised. YouTube has Obama's 2008 Veterans promises that he had no intention of keeping. Keep training people to kill, injure them, break your promises to help them and then be so surprised when they do some terrible deed.

  2. 5 hours ago, Suradit69 said:



    Obviously the TSA's automated scanning of checked luggage is a pointless farce.


    As far as the government attempts to control one's mind is concerned, wait until after January 20 when Il Duce takes office.



    What proof do you have of the new presidents Ill will? Do you just like to annoy others with your 'clairvoyance'? Clinton lost.

  3. 59 minutes ago, oldrunner said:

    Today's young people are stupid. Just what in the hell do you expect when you come to a foreign country, get smashed or drugged, climb on each other's shoulders, mash together, have your money stolen as well as your cell phone and get groped, scream and holler, fall down and get stepped on and you call it FUN. On top of that some "person" in authority assures you that there were no Fireworks, despite what you see. There are definite benefits to being an "Oldrunner". We also had lots of fun but  we also had a great deal of common sense. If it starts to look dangerous, IT IS, get out or away.

    You seldom get real old if dumb. Too soon oldt; too late schmart. If something was out there that ate stupid people........

  4. As a firefighter/medic in Orlando, Florida USA I responded one night to a first aid and found a woman who had been severely slashed with a knife. While there two little boys came running and told me a man was hurt in the house next door. I ran in and slipped and fell in a large pool of blood. A man was on the floor and had severed his own head back to just a flap. Case in point; stuff does indeed happen that is hard to comprehend.

  5. 17 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    I'm quite aware.  Just saying this is a strange poll when year to year there are such variances.  Just doesn't make sense.  Something's dodgy.


    The US ranked at the bottom last year. 

    Perhaps the problem is who administered the poll. The Brits have never forgiven the USA for winning WWII. Meanwhile, the Brexit move seems to have been pretty 'ignorant'; pound down to 44 per Baht.

  6. 21 hours ago, Don Mega said:



    Avoiding a gathering lynch mob would be reason enough for me to flee, not saying that is the case here though but it is common.

    Lynch mob? How do you know this? Site a case here and then site a case in your home country.

    I might add that in most civilized countries leaving the scene of an accident is a serious crime. Wake up Thailand; searching for the drivers takes up valuable police time.

  7. 21 hours ago, jesimps said:

    I see you're a newbie and it shows in your post. Tourists are normally excellent at disposing of their rubbish, either binning it or taking it away with them. It's the Thai's themselves that litter the place, they come to the beaches with everything, including the kitchen sink and just leave all their garbage laying around when they leave. Lots are sensible enough to bag it, but then just dump it on the ground when the bins are full, which seems to be most of the time, instead of taking it home with them.


    Also, as said in the original article, people living up the creeks just throw their rubbish into the water and during rainstorms it all washes down to the beaches.


    There also seems to be no control on illegal dumping, many scenic areas are ruined by mountains of building and household rubbish.


    In my opinion, it's caused by lack of deterrent. If there was a 20,000 baht fine for littering, and it was enforced, then there's be a lot less of it. Money's number one in Thailand and if the locals were to be hit in their pocket, then I'm sure there'd be a dramatic improvement.


    Cue the Thai-bashing policemen who'll say that the farang are as guilty as the locals.



  8. 3 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

    Wait, why would they do that, after all they have nothing to fear, why it was a landslide victory, oh wait it wasn't? Well maybe they will find those 3 million illegal aliens that voted. Surely they aren't worried about something, after all if you do no wrong you have nothing to fear, right.


    In 6 months time there won't be much left to say as the country will be well on it's way to bankruptcy and the fascist on his way to making billions out of the oval office.

    Yep, the sky is falling and doom is near! Look! There is a piece of sky over there. Trump may be the anti-christ also but he won the election. Get over it; especially non Americans.

  9. 14 hours ago, kannot said:

    and  forcing  others  to follow it  with  no  option but  death

    I am from Florida and participted in the Cuba blockade. Pres. Kennedy may have been killed over mistakes made with Cuba. (Many errors). The streets of Florida are filled with joy at Castro's death and the stupid U.S. pres lowers the flags. Incredble ignorance.

  10. 3 hours ago, Kabula said:

    I believe the main stream news is over reacting early on.


    Trump has not even been sworn in and that will not happen for a month and a half as I recall.


    A lot can happen in that time.


    Remain calm and have fun!

    When you're getting screwed, relax and try to enjoy it? America has had enough.

  11. 11 hours ago, NeverSure said:

    Why has the US allowed so many countries to export to the US duty free and then not reciprocate? This is the case with the US and Thailand. Thailand charges healthy import duties but the US doesn't. This is bad for US citizens because manufacturing has moved offshore. It would make no sense to manufacture cars in Thailand if they could be imported duty free. In that case the host country would build the cars and keep the jobs.


    The US has been stripped of so many good manufacturing jobs as they went to China, Mexico and elsewhere including yes, Thailand.


    If the US charged as much import duty as Thailand does for everything that's imported, those jobs would come back. Actually they would never have left in the first place because the duties would offset any savings from cheaper labor overseas. That's not to mention the high cost of long distance shipping.


    Americans are beginning to revolt against this as former manufacturing plants and the towns that hosted them have dried up along with the jobs. That's a huge part of the current election results. Trump cleaned up along the "Rust Belt" where so many good manufacturing jobs used to be before they went overseas.


    We'll see.



    In a small way Americans are taken advantage of even by small posts of packages,e.g. I was forced to pay duty of twice the value of the contents of coffee shipments twice. A sort of blackmail. Did I mention that we gave Thailand $100 million cash this year? Go Trump-no chump!

  12. Most foreigners coming here have ample income whereas so many Thais are struggling. Everyone has a relative back 'home' who is financially challenged; would you show up at their door looking to stay and eat free or not have any house rules? Do you understand where I am going here? Fill out the dam form and be done with it. So much whinging. My guess is that your family told you to hit the road.

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