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Posts posted by sabaii69

  1. The same comments are made every year but consider the tourists instead. They spend their hard earned money on a 2 week trip to Thailand with their mates only to be told they can't get a beer. I'd be rather unhappy if it were me.

    Or you could check what's coming up before booking......

    Sure, that's the first thing I do when I plan a holiday to a foreign country, I Google " are there any dry days in < fill in name of country> during period x > Y " . coffee1.gif

    I didn't mention dry days, I said, "what's coming up".

    I always check what's going on before traveling abroad, I'm sure anyone who's traveled a fair bit, and has any common sense would do the same!

    Well, in case you missed it, this thread is about dry days.

    A Buddhist holiday doesn't necessarily translate to no alcohol for tourists in any other country than Thailand.

    So because one can find on the web that there are 2 Buddhist holidays or the referendum early next month, it doesn't make them aware that they can't have a drink on those days.

    As I said, common sense helps.....

    It seem you can't help putting that foot even further in your mouth.

    Where does common sense come in play here. Is it common sense in other countries that foreign tourist are unable to have a alcoholic drink during Buddhist holidays?

    The only one that should use common sense in this case is the Thai government.

    Have you heard of, "Ramadan" or, "Muslim country's"?

    Keep going mate, you're making a nice fool of yourself.

    What has Ramadan or Muslims has to do with the current dry days in Thailand?

    There are actual places and people who don't drink alcohol and survive. Tired of hugging the ol' porcelain bowl after drinking solid for 5 days? Did you know there is a beach and other things to see/do here besides hug a bottle like a baby on a teat.

  2. I think if you can't go 2 days without a drink, you should seek help.

    The same comments are made every year but consider the tourists instead. They spend their hard earned money on a 2 week trip to Thailand with their mates only to be told they can't get a beer. I'd be rather unhappy if it were me.

    If you come from Saudi, maybe, otherwise you have a real drinking problem.

  3. What a complete load of bullocks.

    the idiots in boston don't know what the he;; tey are talking about! if they are so sure than why don't they take their investments outside the U.S. I for one would never invest one baht in Thailand. there is no way that you could recover it if something went wrong!

    You can trust that you will get the hell beat out of you after hours; someone will snatch your gold; your girl will rob you blind; and you can trust that no one will actually help you recover from rip off schemes. My electric went off for 8 hours yesterday and an hour today-trust on it. Whoever posted this is an idiot.

  4. whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

    Thai women's sense of morals and ethics are very different from what we have been brought up with. They don't see committing adultery as such a big deal, especially if they think they won't get found out. That's one of the reasons why PnP is so easily available here. I have seen this happen with uni students, office girls, hiso housewives etc.

    I think you have been hanging around "bar girls" way too much. Get away from Nana Plaza, Cowboy, Pattaya etc and I think you will find that normal Thai's have a different sense of morals and ethics then the trash you find in those areas.

    Ah, so you still have your rose tinted glasses on.

    Sure, I hung around with bar girls a lot when I first came to Thailand. That's how you cut your teeth when first coming to live here. However, I work in a multinational and live in a fairly hi-so residential area in suburban Bangkok so most of the female company that I keep get their earnings through their day time jobs (and the amount they earn would put a lot of TV posters to shame). They are, as you put it, normal Thais but the sense of morals and ethics are not much different.

    If you read my post again, you will realise that I did not criticise their morals and ethics but just commented that it's different from what most of us are brought up with. I've had my fair share of romps with office girls and uni girls but draw the line with (still) married women though some of my friends do not have the same reservations.

    Even an Indian leaves the 'reservation' some times. 555

  5. whats new, married with kids and screwing a druggie on the side, not happy enough with a well to do hubby, nice house, well financed, needed a bit of side action to keep her occupied while he was away working, nothing new at all for some thai women, they simply cant keep their legs closed, marriage means nothing but then many thai men are the same

    And guess it follows that Western women and Western men are the pillars of chastity and would never even contemplate such a thing.

    Actually, I don't think the army is reading your posts so no need to be so nice.

  6. Quote; The injured tourist was treated at the hospital and then quickly discharged himself after being told that this particular venue has a record of beating up guests and he feared somebody would turn up to look for him in the emergency room.

    So this go-go place apparently have staff that like to beat up customers, <deleted>?? I wish the army would give some payback big time, send in 25 troops after they been told to trash the place including the bouncers.

    Seems some of the bouncers in Pattaya loves to beat up westerners but off-course not one on one, but 4 to 1 minimum. Brainless cowards.

    +4000 baht bar bill, another typical scam some venues practice when the times are hard.

    Pay for each drink, don't wait until you want to leave.

    I was just nailed with a bill that was inflated a lot at a soi 15 Walking St. area gogo with name starting with W......l. Hell, they got me and I just drink soda water! B1000 tip? Get drunk and you risk a lot; threat to wallet and a sound azz kicking. There are live 24 cams for the LK gogo you can observe the action outside.

  7. "piblics" system ?

    Somewhat "funny":

    a directive had been issued to stop him fleeing the kingdom.

    Isn't this a license for overstay? biggrin.png

    Absolutely stunning when you google for "Andrew Ronald Mathews".

    A criminal record going back years.

    Already been imprisoned in Thailand.

    A word of wars and lawyers with prominent names involved (Andrew Drummond).

    A here unwanted source calls him a "keyboard warrior".

    Seems like he has defamed/abused Thai persons on the internet.

    Silly to read this report like they "just found out".

    The pubic system will get you-behave.

  8. This half, of the other three halves mentioned, was happier 20 years ago before the powers that be mucked up the town with odd laws on opening hours, hours to buy booze and raids on bars. Even though I don't drink alcohol, it still has an effect on me. (like the 400 Baht I just donated to the beach road cops for helmet infraction). This will take the 'delirium' away quickly.

  9. ...on a global scale it would really be considered a minuscule amount one would think....

    ...and these are allegations are they not....

    ...especially if the man named is in Thailand.....so far away....???

    The guy isn't even wanted by Interpol. It's very easy to blame a "mate" who made it to Thailand, isn't it?

    I'm afraid that some high society clubs will have to sniff/ smoke/shoot lower quality supply from now on. And the birds keep singing..Chirp chirp...chirp chirp...facepalm.gif

    P.S. Don't get high on your own supply...how can they leave traces on their mobile phone.

    Facebook is the hit these days. Did they not learn from Thais? I know a TVF member who drinks a lot of beer.......where can I report him?laugh.png

    I think I saw that 'Mr. Big' beer drinker on Soi Buakow. Small fellow with big belly?

  10. why do people find this shocking? most thais treat animals poorly, they all ignore soi dogs daily, many are half starved and in urgent need of veterinary care, the whole soi dog problem is created by the irresponsibility of the thais. Hasnt anyone noticed that all the organisations set up to help soi dogs are generally done by farangs? same as many farangs are now having to clean thai beaches of rubbish because the locals are careless

    No worries. The Cambodians will have supper. Ask my neighbor who hit one on his motorbike and ended up in hospital with a head injury about the poor dogs. Too many soi dogs and not one Thai cares.

  11. Some one from the bar, you go to every day, want to know what happen!

    What is the problem with that? I live in Kata 10 years ago and was a regular customer in one bar I like very mush, I help the lady's when they was sick and feel bad many time.

    And one day I did not go to the bar because I had a small heart problem that I'm born with, that made that I could not manage to go there.

    The owner of the bar sent over one of the girls to check me up.

    So it happen if you are a good customer, and care for the lady's. :-)

    Sorry for my English.lol I'm a SWED!

    They will check if you don't pay bill 4 sure; or beat hell out of you with golf clubs.

  12. I agree about the earlier poster suggesting some research into the correlation between women's breast size and body fat/BMI.

    To find the U.S. and UK at the top of the breast size list can only lead me to presume that there HAS to be some connection. I've never thought of U.S. women as having particularly large "natural" breasts compared to elsewhere, but they certainly would rank high internationally/comparatively on the chubby scale. Same with the UK, I'd imagine.

    But likewise, to find the study saying PH women have the smallest average breast sizes in the world, and smaller than TH on average, seems to contradict both conventional wisdom and personal experience. That just doesn't sound right.

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