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Posts posted by sabaii69

  1. I was in Vegas last year when a Chinese sports group was at my casino/hotel. They did the same thing and children were involved. One kid had a plate with a kilo of bacon on it. Oh, and on the way to Vegas I stopped in Beijing and stayed in a business hotel. No water or coffee, forks, knives or food to eat for that matter. Just bowls of soup you poured down your throat. Savages. I've seen the eyes of these people who seem to be on an acid trip.

  2. Wow, Prayut has a lot of sway then if he can influence an international panel of social scientists that includes economists, psychologists and public health experts convened by the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon.

    This is certainly a narrative that some do not want released and it will be downplayed or dismissed as it does not suit an certain agenda.

    Congrats Prayut. You are certainly doing something right.

    Still giving the general a happy ending are we?

    Why not? He is watching you know. Such a great guy...

  3. Accepting an invite to sleep in the same bed as a man. Going out and getting drunk with the man. Returning home with him to sleep in the same bed.

    What did William expect. An innocent pillow fight!

    When I was young I have slept with male friends in the same bed on several occasions, many a time stupid drunk as well, never was a sex act performed on me.

    May be your experiences are different.

    So true. I think it was the wine I was drinking that made my bum hurt the next day.

  4. The mistreatment of foreigners is getting out of hand. I don't believe all these 'running away' stories. Thais are frustrated and jealous of foreigners having and them not having what they want so they beat hell out of you. Don't hear so much about sober farangs being beat up. hmmm.

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