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Posts posted by morphious

  1. Its dead plain and simple, the hotels are full of arabs who do not frequent the bars so the place looks like a ghost town.

    Pattaya is never dead or quiet.

    The traffic is horrendous each and every day right throughout the year because Thais live here too and they all seem to own cars and motorbikes.

    Perhaps the Arabs don't go into bars, but they always hang out on Walking Street which is always busy.

    i live on the dark side and apart from the weekend rush in from Bangkoks beach seekers the roads are really quiet on suk rd and in the city centre, granted at 5.00 pm it gets busier on pattaya Klang but thats it, its dead !

  2. I wish the morons who come here on holiday and think they can roar around on large bikes were all banned ,especially the idiot middle eastern guy that nearly smashed into me yesterday going the wrong way down a one way street. idiot.

    that guy was probably amongst the many who come here and rent a big bike to make up for the lack of size in another area.........

    Indeed !!!

  3. Been noticing that the last 10 days or so there are more and more road blocs and check points beeing inforced around the place, not just the usual darkside pull over points but full suk rd drive through checks. The wife says the new government will go back to the old taksin ways of zero tolerance for crime, drugs etc and this is just the start with 100% helmet wearing and driving licences. I have been stopped 4 times in the last 3 days and only once in the last 4 years. Be warned if you have no licences, the fines are being reported as very heavy not just the usual 300 baht and on your way. :(

  4. My sister is following me a couple of days later so we we split it and take £5000 each,hopefully should be no problems

    yes the whole £10,000 is for sinsod just for show in the village and everything is returned,the MIL has no reason to keep it she is a teacher in hadyai and wants us to keep it for our future together.

    thanks for the advice guys.


    ermm.gif how naive you areblink.gifunsure.gifsad.gif

  5. Quality tourists????? Am i missing something?

    Its too late now when Thailand has spent the last three years or more giving cheap flights and acomodation to Pakistani,Indian and Arab men only to discover they spend nothing and travel around in hoards exploiting the sex indrustry (7 into one)Ive no doubt i will be called racist but this is fact.

    What a joke Thailand is getting what it set its self up for :annoyed:

  6. We used to go in everyday and had a good laugh with the waitresses etc but a lot have left and the new staff are really miserable, good for the footy and the food is fine, getting a little expensive nowadays tho :(

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