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Posts posted by janderton

  1. first i have to say that i'm not into tourism business (but i got lot of friends in).

    during the elections weekend the alcohol sell is prohibited, even if farangs not allowed to vote, afraid about people could vote under the influence of alcohol, government rule everybody shall stay sober... :)

    in low season this will affect not many tourist-drinkers but in december...

    as a lot of tourism industy employees are working and living hundreds miles from domicile: allow them to go home, vote and back to job means to loose staff for 12-24-36-48 hours (not talking about the sudden-non told-resignments, means they go but not back, and you'll not be aware of ...)...

    once again, in low season the missing staff will not affect the quality of the service, a sthe customers are few... but in high season, with full booking... ....catastrophe.

    for these reasons, i've voted 1

  2. Well, they are insurgents, now that they have declared war. Now that they have invaded parliament. Now that they have refused peaceful negotiations. How should he treat them? Like crazy uncles, perhaps?

    It was a mistake to enter Parliament and they also said so but anyway no damage was done and they were only there 20 minutes.

    Fake reds, was it?

    no, 20 true reds entered the parliament looking for evidences....

    as was told the internal secutiry was not in possesion of wapons, the only thing left to do were ...to find them...

    and looks like red entered the parliament with empty hands but stepped out with guns....

  3. Thai women are no different than any other women in the world,there are some minor cultural differences but nothing significant. They all want,is the same things we all want, a little respect, love, some security, happiness for them selves and their family.


    to me, one SIGNIFICANT thing is the excessive parochialism... they think to be the best people worldwide.

  4. Red shirts should go back to school they're obviously in need of an education. Watching them makes a good case AGAINST democracy...sigh...

    military and judiciary coups leaders should go back to school they're obviously in need of an education. Watching them made a good cases AGAINST democracy...sigh...

    p.s. there's someone as brave here to claim that a coup to depose an elected government is not against democracy (and uncostitutional)?

    Certainly! Just because a government is elected doesn't mean that it has the right to pass un-democratic laws (such as condoning vote-buying); to stack the judiciary and military with political cronies, mates and members of your family; to attempt to change the constitution to allow them to hold onto power; to pass laws and use political power for personal gain. Under those circumstances, and I believe they all apply, removal of a government is required. BUT as Thaksin's mandate had expired and he was unable to form a government,

    it really doesn't apply here, does it?

    the point is: you believe they all apply, i don't, as the judges and storytellers are devils wearing vestal virgin*

    *made in china

  5. Wonderful. A people that are labelled as red shirts-but in actuality have the guts/balls to face a gov't that has been put into power illegitimately. You Brits,American etc. can learn a lot from them. Your gov'ts have taken away most of what you enjoyed living for and with. How dare you criticise these protesters. Take your shirts-off and look back at the mirror..you see the yellow streak. I don't need to see your bare backs to know what nervous-paranoid-desperate-self-motivated opportunist and cowards you are. Sitting at your notebook or PC and criticising others who have the guts to make what was wrong, right again. Irregardless, who these protesters are...they are doing the RIGHT thing..what have YOU done to make it right in YOUR country? ..I thougt so.
    Probably want to avoid provoking these types of people, giving them an excuse and justifying violence. Good on them.

    "these types of people"? What type of people would that be? People who believe in a democratically elected government not one imposed on them my a military coup? Live free or Die. I love my country but I fear my government.

    oh finally, i was starting to think to be an E.T.

    thanks guys

  6. Red shirts should go back to school they're obviously in need of an education. Watching them makes a good case AGAINST democracy...sigh...

    military and judiciary coups leaders should go back to school they're obviously in need of an education. Watching them made a good cases AGAINST democracy...sigh...

    p.s. there's someone as brave here to claim that a coup to depose an elected government is not against democracy (and uncostitutional)?

  7. ... The poor have lost their poster boy apparently by the coup makers and the PAD coming along and stirring up the pot, and they have been delivered Abhisit.

    If I was a dirt poor farmer, I wouldn't see this as anything that is going to bring me any good whatsoever, so what do I have to lose by protesting. They have no empathy for a person (as well educated as he may be) like Abhisit. He has and his party have proven since time immemorial to have little or no time for Isaan...

    incorrect.... taxes has been increased in Isaan area too :)

  8. ...

    An educated Thai lady is the best propoganda machine you can have on your side, as she talks to all her school friends all the time, and states her opinions

    opinions?! talks?! oh yes...

    this kind of talks: how to become mia-noi's of a (doesn't matter if old-fat-bald-sweating-bad breathed) RICH sino-thai, made him pay the rent of your riverview condo, your clothes, shoes, golden necklaces-bracelets-earings-ring, blackberry, mini cooper (and/or yamaha fino)... [vulgar language removed]


    2 ) if you change the minds of Farang husbands/boyfriends,

    then those Thai Ladies mated with them, can't get re-educated on actual truths...


    as thai doesn't trust farangs, this strategy could bring the opposite result!
    my falang AT :D oops.... boyflend says mr.T is evil because blablabla blablabla....

    i told him i believe in his speech, now he's glad and stopped talk about it, but actually i don't believe a single word he spoke

    p.s. "actual truths".... :D:)

  9. ...need for a real democracy movement in Thailand (sincere, knowledgeabale, rational discussion, etc)? YES!

    Is it the red shirts? NO, NO, and NO!!!


    NOR the yellows...

    the only fee "suspended" was for the tourist* visa....

    ALL the taxes has been increased by this minority-voted sub-specie-government

    *altough the thailand's favourites kind of tourism is the spendallur$in1week&goaway: to them, V.O.A. is more than enough

  10. ... strategy did not work with Thai people as in many people's views, he is corrupt person and has flaws in his character.
    well, same phrase could be said about many of the characters "starring" on the last two coups (military and not)...

    17 coups since WWII , only one PM that could accomplish a full term


    correction!... not only in the last two...
  11. .....

    C. To accept the outcome of an election, even if it's not to their liking....


    Thaksin getting a doctorate in criminal justice is sort of....


    Thaksin Shinawatra was a member of the 10th class of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School,[31] and was then admitted to the Thai Police Cadet Academy. Upon graduation in 1973, he joined the Royal Thai Police Department. He received a master's degree in Criminal Justice from Eastern Kentucky University in the United States in 1975, and three years later was awarded a doctorate in Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University in Texas. Returning to Thailand, he reached the position of Deputy Superintendent of the Policy and Planning Sub-division, General Staff Division, Metropolitan Police Bureau, before resigning in 1987 as a lieutenant colonel. His wife, Potjaman Damapong, is the daughter of a police general.

  12. .... Thaksin is there, as their citizen and with Montenegro passport.

    They stress he won't be allowed to stage any disruption to any third country.


    the same thing was told dy Dubai's spokesman..

    the question is: the daily (evening, prime time) messages to his supporter, broadcasted on maxiscreen at he rally as on UDD tv channel, been shot WHERE?

  13. ... if someone win elections he should form a goverment.Simple as that.

    is not that simple...


    The country is a kingdom, a constitutional monarchy with King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the ninth king of the House of Chakri, who has reigned since 1946, making him the world's longest-serving current head of state and the longest-reigning monarch in Thai history.The king is officially titled as the Head of State, the Head of the Armed Forces, an Upholder of the Buddhist religion, and the Defender of all Faiths...

  14. .....

    Thank you SO, SO MUCH janderton, you douche-lord, for posting that sick twist video. I'll be trying to extricate it from my head for the next, say, 2 years or so. :)

    Im so glad I got the opportunity of seeing a baby chopped up into tiny pieces. My day is now ruined, so thanks for that.

    I'm sure we all know what a snuff film, but do you have to SEE ONE to know they exist? I dont think so.

    I believe I speak for several others with the request to keep that in your personal collection of posthumous cinematic rubbish...


    I let it through a video analyzer and there are no parts that have been edited so far as I can see.

    the video is real, NO special effect

    got more, if needs...

    i hope there will be a thai user to explain you when this happens....(not why, we farang couldn't understand)

  15. From The Nation


    ... found himself caught in traffic near Pathum Thani City Hall and got out of his car to demand that he be allowed to go through ....

    ???????? traffic????????

    demand to go through????????

    other vehicles are passing.... without any problem in both lanes

    mr.Thanin, you are officially invited to pattaya during the music festival next weekend... to face a real traffic jam...

  16. Thaksin is the one that has blocked Youtube before, this govt. never has. Go smoke another one!

    the military government (sept'06- feb'08) blocked youtube in the period earlier the issue of the new constitution (aug '07).

    p.s. i'm not english mothertongue (really, who'd say... :) ) i got a question: to say "go smoke another one" is an assumption that the interlocutor is drug addicted?

  17. Careful Janderton your post will probably get deleted? No naughty words allowed

    ah ok, i apologize


    If this were an election, this evidence would surely be sufficient, for the E.C. to red-card the MPs involved, and rightly so.


    fortunately is not necessary to travel 700km (+ 700 back) to go vote....

    so, is not necessary to fill the tank....

    ricardo don't worry, you're just a further user that stepped into a poo-poo (rumors say "bring luck")

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