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Posts posted by prvtdetdave

  1. The US is not biased but always supports the principles of one man, one vote, except in cases where this results in a regime that is not supportive of US interests, e.g. in today's world Ukraine, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrein, Yemen, Israel, the UAE etc and in the past Greece, Chile, Argentina, El Salvador, Guatamala, Thailand and other hotbeds of fascism in the 60s-80s. What a great record!

    You forgot Nicaruaga.

  2. That's a joke. Just look what side they are on in the Ukraine protests. Those protesters are doing the same things the protesters here are doing, except taking it further. When they storm a government ministry, they don't just hand out letters and flowers, they stay there and take over.

    Protesters are doing the same things the protesters here are doing, except taking it further? Then its not the same thing, is it.

  3. That's because of Global Warming!

    Record cold temperatures around the world won't stop the global warming industry with their dire predictions.

    Much of the cool weather is due to Solar Inactivity. It is reported to have occurred in the mid to late 1700s as well 1730-1790

    Frost Fairs on the Thames ect. The BBC has an article on it.


  4. Yesterday Chalerm said no force would be used but they didn't have any policies established.

    Quite unusual, this very decisive government not to have any policies. giggle.gif

    However, all joking apart it seems the emergency decree was decided on without any thought as to implementation. A typical Thai ' all right on the night ' approach.

    What would you do? Other than quit.

  5. I think the observations by Bart Walters goes for all Asians, its just different from the west.

    And regarding Buddhism, don't ever make the mistake to think that people actually understands or cares about the Buddhist core philosophy (just like most Christians don't have a clue about the christian philosophy, even if they read the bible every day, Former president Bush a good example). If Buddha himself could see today what people are doing in his name he would cry. Praying in front of statues of himself is exactly the kind of thing that would disgust him.

    Enlightened beings have compassion but they do not feel negative emotions such as "disgust".

    The important point is perhaps to see things but not react in a negative way. Two wrongs have never made a right.

    Your full of crap!

  6. As the administration tries to arrange their dominos in order to press what they've always wanted - the backing of the military - this latest attempt - to frame what has been clear and coordinated attacks on the protesters in a terror grenade campaign - as occurring within the movement itself, is a preposterous and Syrian regime-inspired argument and stance of Thaksin's cousin, that shows just how far the administration is prepared to go in their effort to use every lever of power at their disposal to not only subvert justice but to deflect from it, as well as to stamp out the voices of the Thai people in their right to peaceful protest.

    You just like to hear yourself talk (lol). Goon...

  7. In most normal countries, if you tried to stop traffic in order to garner attention about your political views, you would be arrested. It seems the police here don't have the motivation to go into these barricades with riot gear and clean it all out.

    I only want to know why do the police not maintain law and order here as they swore to do when becoming a police officer?

    That is one of the more ignorant statements I have read here. Try thinking about it very seriously.

    • Like 1
  8. In addition to the travel advisory from Japan the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in Bangkok has issued a letter signed by officials of 1,500 Japanese companies in Thailand warning about withdrawal and lack of future investment if protests and political upheaval persists.

    The Ministry of Tourism, TAT et al might shrug off travel advisories but threats of companies pulling out and potential loss of investment is much harder to ignore.

    Not just the Japanese, do not forget the Americans and other countries who have factories in Thailand, holding back on future investment or pulling out of Thailand is going to hurt, and the people it is going to hurt the most are the corrupt members of Thai government and society who receive big backhanders.

    Funny (or not so) how those big multi-international tax dodging companies can get round their policies on ethics.

    Bullocks! Try thinking for once instead of spewing retoric.

  9. Amazing there is still support for Suthep here from TV members.

    You think he has said and done more than enough for men in white coats to come a and take him away and then he STILL manages something even more outrageous. 1508564.GIF

    I think you misunderstand the "support" to Suthep.

    I don't support him, and never will. But I like the fact that he has started something that might help Thailand to get rid of "The Clan" and help this country to heal. It will take time, it won't be easy, but it has to happen anyway.

    Remove your red tinted glasses, face the reality, and you will soon find out that the poison that kills Thailand has a name. And this poison affects the poor, certainly more that the so called "elite" from which Thaksin is coming.....

    "elite" from which Thaksin is coming.....'' It was my belief Thaksin was selfmade and not from the elite. Does anyone know? I would like to know.

  10. It would appear that Suthep is now clutching at straws, the Bangkok shutdown while successfully shutting down areas of the city has not got him any closer to his goals.

    As long as the PTP and the police leave the protesters alone the movement losses momentum as protesters desert to go back to work and the people of Bangkok start to lose their patience.

    Now its a case of doing whatever they can to get the blood spilling for the coup Suthep has wanted from the beginning.

    Suthep IS getting to his goals. Yingluck has assigned her icecream gang to hold meetings with all parties concerned to see if the elections can be delayed. Now Suthep, strategically, is going for the next step.

    Suthep doesn't want a coup. He wants Yingluck to give in. The army also wants Yingluck to clean up her own mess. Thaksin wants a coup in order to blame the army for interfering with democracy.

    By the way, in case you were wondering, this is Yingluck's ice cream gang.


    Rubbish, your the only one other than Suthep that thinks he is closer to his goals ( I doubt he thinks it).

  11. Love how everyone throws around the "D" word (Democracy). And none of them know the true meaning of it.

    de·moc·ra·cynoun \di-ˈmä-krə-sē\

    : a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting

    : a country ruled by democracy

    : an organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights

    plural de·moc·ra·cies
    Full Definition of DEMOCRACY
    a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority
    b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
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