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Posts posted by whattodo

  1. I submitted a story last year that amused me , even the Mighty stick commented on it's ironic content per se. Dana's Thailand sometimes makes me laugh or cringe..

    My story

    Heres a link if anyone wants to see what an arse I was back then , these days I am a very wise idiot... :o

    Crikey thats some story,

    Had to be the Vong Tong Hotel yes ?

  2. In the northern climes of Sumatra ( Indo) a 3 hour boat ride from Penang will take you to the capital of Sumatra , Medan , another 3 hour taxi ride will take you to Parapat , this is on the shores of Danu Toba , the worlds largest Volcanic lake.

    In the centre of Lake Toba is Samosir Isalnd.

    Wiser yet? :D

    Am now thanks :o

    Sounds an interesting place .

  3. More halfwits

    Hey Visarunner,

    Looks like Dr. Evil and his "mini me's' are at it again. Berating anything anyone has to say that doesn't fit in with his own viewpoint!!!!!!

    Through study of various topics, it seems a thread only turns to crap when the good dr. starts his witless slandering of other forum members WHO ARE ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINION.

    If the dr. doesn't like what others have to say perhaps he can start his own forum, inviting only respondents who appear to hang on his every word.

    Must be a sad life having nothing else better to do all day than trawl the forums in a feeble attempt to enforce one's own opinion on the world.

    Get a life ...give us all a break.


    ..."Whoops does this get me banned for not agreeing with the champion poster"

    Most of the Thai's I've spoken to prefer Centrum, however, Seven Seas are slightly cheaper and still a pretty good brand.

    Providing you are on a decent enough diet and drinking plenty of water then you start to feel healthier within a couple of days.

    Have yet to try Centrum or Centrum Silver let alone be told what the difference is between the two. :o

    oops :D:D

  4. Don't like Singha. Mate of mine (who is a chemist.....no, really) told me it is chemical beer......they make up some 'brown water', then add alcohol. Ie. no fermentation involved.

    True? No idea.....but I still don't like it very much :o

    All Beers have chemicals in them ,

    (some cask conditioned being the exception)

    If there were no chemicals you would never get a clear beer .

  5. ·Wear a smart suit and a pair of lime green flip-flops.

    ·Ask a person where they have been when they are carrying 6 Robinsons shopping bags.

    ·Use the expression ‘Lot Tit’ (traffic is bad) more than 20 times in the same day.

    ·Go swimming with all my clothes on .

    ·Put sugar on the sweetest fruit .

    ·Carry my bus fare in my ear .

    ·Watch a whole movie through the window of a video shop .

    ·Stand at a bus stop, but run towards the bus when it appears on the horizon .

    ·Irritate everyone on the sky-train by talking loudly on your mobile phone and saying ‘khap’ a lot.

    ·Actually start smiling while watching a game show on TV .

    ·Enjoy looking at other people’s crappy holiday photos .

    ·Carry a little poodle around the supermarket.

    ·Stand in the express checkout line at the supermarket with enough shopping to feed an army .

    ·Buy the largest box of popcorn physically possible, and go into the movie theatre ten minutes after the film starts.

    ·Spend 5 hours choosing a lottery ticket .

    ·Read all the books and magazines in a book-shop before deciding not to buy anything .

    ·Listen to the TV or radio about 10 decibels louder than it needs to be .

    ·Cover my head with a sheet of soggy newspaper during a rain-storm .

    ·Order a Big Mac, large french fries, massive Coke, and an ice-cream, and only finish the ice-cream .

    ·Walk on the footpath as slowly as I can in a zig-zag pattern .

    ·Produce about 50 different kinds of plastic at a supermarket check-out before realising the one you want is still at home.

    ·Dilute my whisky with enough soda to render it virtually colourless (and still get pissed).

    ·Stand at the mouth of an escalator and have an in-depth conversation.

    ·Try to get into an elevator / skytrain / subway carriage before everyone else gets out .

    ·Order the hottest dish on a menu, and then spend the next ten minutes telling everyone dining with you how hot it is.

    ·Put a toilet roll in a gaudy looking box on the coffee table instead of in the toilet

    ·Stand around and gawp at a supermarket display of shampoo because there’s 2 baht off .

    ·Manage to fall asleep on the washing line .

    ·Adopt the same routine for 52 weekends a year.

    ·Pride myselk on not knowing where the southern bus terminal is,Or where Malaysia is .

    ·Own a tape cassette collection of 120 tapes, of which 119 of them are soundtracks .

    ·Have posters on my wall which include two babies kissing each other, and one of that tennis girl scratching her arse .

    ·Park my car in the living room of my shop-house

    ·Organise a trip to Pattaya, which includes a guitar, an enormous ice-box, and five people who all turn up three hours late .

    Think I am the best singer in Thialand, and spend by last 100 baht in a Kareoke Bar.

    If a female, get in a Taxi and text the number of the cab to a friend.

    Try to get a FALANG as a new PET

    Classic !

    I am pissing myself :o:D:D:D

  6. When i first read the thread i thought it was yet another wind up but apparantly this is true,

    I asked my neighbour (Royal Thai Police) if he had heard this was the case and he said not around here (Rural) but he has a collegue working in Bangkok and was breifed that there have powers to stop and search for condoms and any lady not found to be in possesion of a condom faced a 200 TB instant fine,

    He did go on to say and stress that this only applied to KNOWN working girls.

    Maybe this thread should be diverted to the silliest laws in Thailand thread ?

    Because the carrying of 1 condom in your purse does not mean that it will be used :D:D:o

  7. All of the ones I met there are very nice people. All offering me millions

    of dollars if I just give them my bank name and bank account number.

    Yes i have had many emails also from Nigeria and Sierra Leone .

    How do there get your email address ? :o

  8. The best way to do it is the way I've been doing it for 10 years. Cross any border every 30 days. It's really easy. No consulates, no embassies, just friendly border guys who don't give a rats hind qtrs how I dress or how rude I am. Last time I said to the guy, "hey kwai, can you speed it up a little". he thought that was hilarious

    You for real ?

    The guy wants sound advice not toss pot info crap from you :o

    Hey guy, hold on a second here. This guy you refer to is named Sarah

    Makes no differance ,

    At the end of the day anybody that requests visa info should be given sound advice and you are far from an expert in this field.

    (apoligies Sarah for qouteing guy)

  9. The best way to do it is the way I've been doing it for 10 years. Cross any border every 30 days. It's really easy. No consulates, no embassies, just friendly border guys who don't give a rats hind qtrs how I dress or how rude I am. Last time I said to the guy, "hey kwai, can you speed it up a little". he thought that was hilarious

    You for real ?

    The guy wants sound advice not toss pot info crap from you :o

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