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Posts posted by eezergood

  1. If anyone is interested, I know where there is a 2006 (last of the 636cc before cease production and cont with 599cc) Kwak ZX-6r 636 in brand new condition, obviously imported (unrestricted spec) but hardly ridden since import, with about 7000km's i believe. Colour is like a champagne silver and has all legal docs inc green book, awesome looking bike and in Phuket. Price is 325,000B and the number coincidently is 636!!!

    Just for the record, this isn't my bike wai2.gif

    I am in Phuket - please send me details BUT i know a guy that rents a bike that sounds suspiciously like this one........

  2. Not sure why, but Phuket is fabulously overpriced. Most everything there costs more than anyplace in Thailand. Drinks, food, hotels, etc. I had to search for hours to find a reasonable room, on a recent trip. And it took days to find some restaurants that were reasonable. Same goes for Ao Nong Beach in Krabi. About the same prices for food, but hotels were a better deal. They may be pricing themselves out of the western market. Most of the tourists I saw there were Asian, or Russian. As they say in thailand, up to you. It is their choice if they want to kill their own market.

    Agreed - but the cost of raw materials here is MUCH higher than anywhere else in Thailand also. Thai logic, when its busy gouge, when its price high to offset lack of volume

  3. Isn't England the place with never ending rain and grey skies? (At least it is in most movies :-)

    Yes, and the smog - don't forget the smog. And Jack the Ripper. He's always walking around the smog filled streets. biggrin.png

    In my bucket list: Pendine sands in S. Wales


    - just like Phuket except, no tuk-tuks, no hassles, quiet, etc. Maybe like Phuket was 30 years ago.


    sure does look nice in pictures ,but the reality is you get there its cold and theres a biting cold icy wind blowing in suddenly becomes not so nice .

    AND you are STILL IN WALES! whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  4. I truly hope not! I remit my salary home to Aus every month so the lower the better for me smile.png

    Well , I wish you well ...

    But , Im certainly prepared to hedge the movement in the opposite direction . Particularly with the pretty much guaranteed demise of the Gillard government . The Barht is strong also however ..so we will have to wait an see , but uncertainty in Europe , and the removal of a poor Australian government with safe haven Status , Resource rich , higher interest rates ..

    Difficult to see a fall ..Not good for exporters either ..tough on many fronts .

    The " Remittance " needs to be in the other direction to hold good value . Which is my situation fortunately .

    I agree with you totally, unfortunately, hence why I am living like a porper & sending every spare BAHT home now!

  5. The price of gold is universal is it not?

    I would have thought any savings due to buying jewellery in Thailand, would be the savings on any labour.

    If you are not an expert in precious gems, steer well clear of any temptation to buy any of these stones or settings, irrespective of the promise that they will be worth more considerably more back home.

    I need/want to buy engagement ring & I live in Thaialnd, so would much rather buy here. I am certainly not buying in order to make a profit, but I also dont want my pants pulled down OR my future wife to not have a ring, I hope will be with her for the rest of her life, that is either fake or rubbish

  6. Fully understand but I've never been a lover of resorts. I have lived in Mae Sariang in the Mae Hong Son district for a few years now but can understand the diminishing value for English tourists, as it also effects my monthly private pension payments. The Thai government should take time to think about the value of the Thai baht as they rely heavily on tourism from the west, which if they do nothing, will rapidly diminish.

    They have thought heavily and it looks like they have responded as such. The THB was, I assume, artificially inflated, this was adversely the Thai export market hugely - think cars & rice season. Under pressure from within, we all know how much the they take into account the thoughts of toursits, they have reduced the value. As a side note, this has benfitted me greatly so the further down the better :)

  7. precisely why i avoid Phuket like a plague. In Bangkok I can have a world class meal for 300 baht, be treated no differently than any of the other middle class Thais sitting next to me, with genuinely great food. After dinner, I can jump into an air conditioned cab, pay 70 baht for a ride halfway across town, and maybe even get a smile at the end of it. If I want the beach, I can go down to Sam Roi Yod or Baan Krut, where nobody hassles me, quotes me farcical prices for a tuk tuk ride, nor any other aggravation. It's a pity such a nice place became one of the world's biggest eyesores.

    World class meal for 300 baht? - where ? what world are we talking? what comparisons have you had from "world class venues" to make such a ridiculous statement.

  8. Cheers guys - Has anyone experience in getting things posted here? My firends sister works in a jewellers back in the UK & can have it posted to me with other bits & pieces my father will send me. Any thoughts & or advice on this? as i dont fancy posting a few thousand dollar ring without insurance

    Don't risk it.

    1. It might not get here

    2. Customs may find it and charge you a fortune in import duty or even illegally importing a diamond.

    3. Standard postal insurance won't cover anything like the cost of this and any other insurance would be prohibitively expensive

    As I suspected, not worth the risk!

  9. Cheers guys - Has anyone experience in getting things posted here? My firends sister works in a jewellers back in the UK & can have it posted to me with other bits & pieces my father will send me. Any thoughts & or advice on this? as i dont fancy posting a few thousand dollar ring without insurance

  10. I am looking to move from my condo in Patong, due to lack of space. WHere are you preferred websites & or agencies to use? I am thinking either Patong again or Kata/Karon - i want to be close to Patong as this is my place of work & dont want to drive for miles to get to work.

    Budget around 20k 2 beds would be my minimum, the rest is up for debate. Thanks in advance

  11. GUys, is it worth the time & airfare to fly into Bangkok to get a btter deal on a diamaond for the mrs? or would the flights negate any savings?

    I have even considered flying to the UK to buy one, as I have a free flight but not really the time or inclination. All, well most, feedback is welcomed

  12. Who really owns the tuk tuks?

    A bunch of hillbilly thugs that drive the things certainly don't have the power to pull off this crap.

    Those 'Hillbilly Thugs' have the power to hold up the US Navy Ships and barricade the roads, those HillBilly Thugs have the power to force cruise ship passengers not to disembark on their tour of Phuket Island in pre-booked minivans, Those Hillbilly Thugs have the power to beat up tour reps and drivers who 'dare' to enter into their territory, those Hillbilly Thugs have the power to demand payment if a tour company or rep. wants to pick up a hotel guest where the 'Thugs' operate from. Those Hillbilly Thugs have the power to smash up a Russian Tour shop in full view and the support of the police - who said "they (taxi drivers) had a right to be angry (at the tour company)"

    Shall I go on ?

    Still think they have no power?

    I would add that "those HillBilly Thugs" have done untold damage to the tourism industry here.

    The way they restrict EVERYONE'S freedom of movement around the island has made Phuket a less attractive place for a holiday.

    Not to mention the Hotels that have been forced to close due to the terror tactics used by these hillbilly's

  13. Who really owns the tuk tuks?

    A bunch of hillbilly thugs that drive the things certainly don't have the power to pull off this crap.

    Those 'Hillbilly Thugs' have the power to hold up the US Navy Ships and barricade the roads, those HillBilly Thugs have the power to force cruise ship passengers not to disembark on their tour of Phuket Island in pre-booked minivans, Those Hillbilly Thugs have the power to beat up tour reps and drivers who 'dare' to enter into their territory, those Hillbilly Thugs have the power to demand payment if a tour company or rep. wants to pick up a hotel guest where the 'Thugs' operate from. Those Hillbilly Thugs have the power to smash up a Russian Tour shop in full view and the support of the police - who said "they (taxi drivers) had a right to be angry (at the tour company)"

    Shall I go on ?

    Still think they have no power?

    I would add that "those HillBilly Thugs" have done untold damage to the tourism industry here.

    The way they restrict EVERYONE'S freedom of movement around the island has made Phuket a less attractive place for a holiday.

    Untold damage? According to some sources the tourist numbers have been and will continue to rise.

    And, I see loads and loads of people happily riding in the back of said tuk tuks every day. Six or more people at a time sometimes, from old grandma and grandpa farang, to younger dudes with their holiday girlfriends, to 3 or 4 young farang women holiday makers going to or coming from the beach, and families with kids in tow on their way to/from wherever.

    I've heard the same "these people are killing tourism in Phuket" comments for years. But haven't seen any evidence of that yet.

    Quantity yes - quality NO!!! look at the number of so called Zero Baht Toursists now......

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