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Everything posted by eezergood

  1. Average rates are higher this year due to the fact that the demand is higher........ the last 2 years where not exactly normal Yet they are still below 2019 - on average
  2. You quoted me, totally unrelated to anything you said.
  3. Not sure if you meant to respond to me? However, this dude has NOT been eating 10k cals per day consistently. Im calling shenanigan's
  4. That is still only (max) 5000 cals
  5. 100% #electricitygate
  6. I call 100000% BS - you must have caused HUGE GI distress, or you where eating pure fat.
  7. OK - who has em this year pls?
  8. And how is the electricity generated to power said green-mobiles......... the efficiency in energy production is not yet there, nuclear has to be the way forward.
  9. Thanks - for me an EV can work as I return home daily, however I suspect that the convenience of gasoline (dino fuels) will be a hard one to shake and the faff of charging is something the other half (i know) just wont do, thus leaving a white elephant of a vehicle in the drive. At least with the EV mode I can get the benefits when required with the safety net of traditional fuel
  10. Does the PHEV have some kind of re-gen braking system also? and does it have the ability to charge the batteries from the traditional engine?
  11. You sir make far too much sense for this forum!
  12. I dont drink milk - but thanks for your sage advice
  13. #1That was NOT your argument #2 The question was not about MY country, but THIS country #3 I have non, I presented facts #4 To answer the question you asked, not inferred, I can name DOZENS of cheeses that are unpasteurised. I believe this would qualify as a milk product.
  14. Chicken POTENTIALLY carries salmonella, pork POTENTIALLY carries trichinosis and I could go on - these are all readily available. Raw milk is still available in many places.
  15. Yes correct - and MOST will be pasteurized by said ice-cream maker on site under their supervision. Infact most modern ice cream machines have inbuilt pasteurisation which can (and usually is) done during the cooking process. As for point 2?
  16. That should say POTENTIALLY harmful - not all raw milk carries said bacteria, like not all eggs carry salmonella
  17. #1 where did I say that the milk was unpasteurized for the ice cream production? #2 No commercial compony where? and according to which exact law would that be? Lots of assumptions here, not so much in the way of evidence!
  18. It not natural to facetime another person on the opposite side of the planet.........
  19. It will be tough as most gets sold for ice-cream & the supply is VERY inconsistent - that said there are some dairy cows in Koh Kaew, maybe worth a sortie
  20. spoke too soon! ???? That said any one with some recommendations for a small respray job?
  21. thanks for the share
  22. Exactly my thoughts also
  23. The car is a Fiesta & about 10% of the total car is like this and it is 9 yrs old - certainly no point to re-spray as the cost would be pointless in such an old vehicle. Will try come cutting compound & see how we go
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