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Everything posted by eezergood

  1. so I take it you dont know
  2. Just saw this thing pop up - For a brand new car it is VERY cheap, does anyone have one? any feedback?
  3. There is ONLY English - the rest are accents or nationalities, not dialects or languages.
  4. LOTS of tennis courts & huge amount of players - https://phukettennisleague.com/ start here -
  5. 1 kg spinach is 240 cals - that will fill you up, but I get your point total nonsense - way easier to do yourself & control what YOU put in rubbish - simply budget your calories to accommodate or simply just accept that you will go out & enjoy life like a grown up total nonsense- you will end up not only fat, but fat & miserable
  6. and you would be correct.......
  7. Tim misses & assumes quite a few things here, the taking jobs part (in many fields) is very questionable - Ive been looking for Russian staff for months, many of the other points do hit home. More so for the long termers. In general a monoculture business model is not desirable, with this I agree. HOWEVER I also remember similar rhetoric regarding the Chinese a few short years ago, then the pleas for them to return in order to displace the Indians. It seems only gullible "farangs" with deep pockets and a penchant for being fleeced are welcome here............
  8. more nonsense - I have been trying to recruit a Russian/ Russian speaking guest service agent for months.........
  9. could you summarise for those of us less tolerant
  10. correct -
  11. simply stop it then.........
  12. https://www.phuket-international-health-clinic.com/ In Patong - very well regarded
  13. Only in the UK is this word a thing mate - look for podiatrists, of which there are many
  14. thanks for that - much appreciated
  15. Did that - seemingly this part is a regular fail, as no veg baskets to be found. Will have a look in the centre in town
  16. I looked on the website to no avail, will give them a call thanks
  17. As it says, some of the plastic "baskets" in my fridge are damages & am looking to find replacements. Any one with any leads ? Its LG in case that matters
  18. try "defense soap" or similar - in addition to the meds, this is a soap used by wrestlers etc as they are constantly getting staff infections.....
  19. Nothing wrong nor dangerous, what is dangerous is a little knowledge (to some people)
  20. im a little on the young side for this (first time around) however my point about the comments and the unabashed xenophobic comments remain
  21. eezergood


    they may well work for me - can you pm me
  22. thanks to all
  23. I was more referring to his disparaging remarks about draft dodgers and our subcontinental friends, given that we are all foreigners here it was a bit Orwellian with a pinch of it aint half hot mum
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