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Everything posted by madmitch

  1. Falling asleep in Parliament is fine. Assaulting a reporter is fine. Having a criminal record for drug smuggling is fine. But make an innocuous gesture whils wearing a paramilitary dress uniform is a breach of political ethics, in the same way hosting a cooking programme on Tv was a few years back. Is there any hope for Thai politics?
  2. Id like to know where they get their information from. For a start the article mentions the 300 baht tourist tax, which has yet to be implemented, and the top three destinations all being Thai looks fishy to me. No mention of certain Greek or Spanish islands and major cities.. I think the data may be based on a ratio of tourists to locals. It is well known that Phuket's so- called population is undercooked as most residents are registered elsewhere in Thailand. That's probably true of Pattaya and Krabi too. Phuket is overcrowded in high season but so are many others. Worst in the world? I doubt it
  3. She won't be. She's already the second prime minister of this term!
  4. The most likely outcome is a defamation charge against the person making the allegation.
  5. GF said this morning that the car park at Big Buddha is being cited as one of the reasons for this.
  6. I assume you haven't read all of my comment. Please do so before commenting. And there may be criminals in the Goverment but not necessarily with a criminal record. The two aren't the same.
  7. It should be reported to the police, he should be charged and regardless of the severity of the sentence, he should then be forced to resign from his position as party leader and denied any future role in government as he would have a criminal record. But my money's on it being swept under the carpet, with the video appearing at regular intervals on social media along with thos of him sleeping in various public places.
  8. Time for a people's uprising. It won't happen though as most of the potential protagonist leaders are already banged up for saying the wrong things.
  9. No comparison between Temu and the other two. You get what you pay for. Temu is very cheap for certain items, certainly novelties, manicure items, cleaning cloths etc where you don't mind waiting ten days for a delivery, but I'd never use them for electrical goods or anything costing more than about £10. Here Amazon is in a different class.
  10. Certainly no COD in the UK. Maybe Thailand will be different but I doubt it. I've not loooked at the Thai site but in the UK it's free delivery on orders over £15, about 600 baht.
  11. Most of the plastic junk on sale in Thailand markets and the 20 baht shops is imported from China and the quality is often poor. With Temu you're just cutting out the middleman.
  12. Twins second from left in each row? One of the concerning issues is that this aging bunch were unanimous in their verdict. When the MFP successors get in they need to get rid of every single one of them.
  13. I will take a look at this new visa as I may look to spend some time in Thailand over winter in the future and if I can work for my UK company remotely, it's a possibility. However, I am pretty sure there will be concerns about breaking GDPR laws in sending info to and from Thailand. No harm in asking though as they are fully aware I have family in Thailand
  14. Yes. Goverments in Thailand can't be relied upon for any sort of consistency but from what I've seen, many of the shops would be going out of business soon anyway due to the usual Thai way of opening too many similar shops in a small area, thereby reducing the maket share for all the players. I'm only in Thailand for a short period these days but most of these shops were practically devoid of customers. I have no idea how they made any money, given the rents they'd have to pay.
  15. Don't just whinge about it, do something about it!
  16. Of course e-gates don't do passport stamps but there are countries with e-gates that still stamp your passports after clearing the gate. I got a stamp in Portugal after using an e-gate but didn't in Albania. Which way will Thailand go, especially bearing in mind the state of the Government's computer systems where there's no communication between the various departments. My money's on a stamp!
  17. There's quite a lot of information missing such as how many will gates be installed and who will be eligible to use them. It wouldn't surprise me if, at least initially,you will still need to queue for a stamp in the passport. Thailand loves stamps. I was recently surprised to encounter these e-gates at Tirana Airport in Albania. Through immigration in seconds.
  18. The whole article is a little unclear, and that's quite common fot The Thaiger articles.
  19. I'm in the UK now but still use my Thai bank via mobile app for certain transactions and get the SMS alerts when I need to verify who I am, and I guess this is the main issue. My SIM and bank account are both in my name. I'll just wait and see what happens. I was about to top up the bank account but I'm not doing that until I know whether it's going to work or not. I doubt the SMS code will work from here so I'm not even going to bother.
  20. That's one onliine news source and a Guardian article from December. I'll stick to my views. I won't requote your other post but I did state how most people feel when they have covid. I didn't mention hospitalisations or deaths. I was in hospital with flu pre-covid and I felt awful but my two covid bouts were pretty mild. I did know that you'd be the one replying to my posts as you seem to be one of few posters that still takes covid seriously....and there's nothing wrong with that, it's not a dig. We all have our own viewpoints.
  21. But is there any hysteria in any of those countries? It hardly gets a mention in the UK and certailnly doesn't make mainstream news. Yes, people still get covid but for most people it's slightly worse than a typical cold but nowhere near as bad as flu.
  22. I suppose it's better than simply being appointed by the ruling party!
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