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Everything posted by madmitch

  1. About time they changed the party name as what they stand for is hardly democratic.
  2. Here you go. Six men who look loke they'e been keeping the local hair dye shop in business. And this is the demographic that's been keeping Thailand in the dark ages.
  3. It's a good idea to read previous comments before making posts. 30 years combined for the entire gang
  4. Events that may happen in the next few weeks, if the will of the people is overturned, could put a dent in that projection.
  5. Good article that sums up the situation very succinctly for those that aren't aware of what's going on in the world of Thai politics. Old new for AseanNow readers of course, but that's not who this article is aimed at.
  6. But these senators are gone in a year. I'm sure they can wait that long to rip up the current constitution.
  7. Soi Romanee is pleasant enough but shouldn't be anywhere near a top twenty in the world list. But it's very subjective and what I find attractive might be so-so to someone else.
  8. Does whoever is chosen as house speaker retain that role even if a different coalition eventually comes into power, which is of course a distinct possibility?
  9. madmitch

    driving licence

    I think the place you are thinking of was some sort of international driving permit place. I remember the sign. There's only one proper driving licence place in Phuket and there already helpful posts regarding this.
  10. I've just agreed with a post from @h90. That's a first. Thais do seem to be uniform-crazy, whether it's civil servants, university students or the staff in Homepro or 7-Eleven. I'm fine with one school uniform but it is time they dumped that 1920s scout outfit!
  11. I've seen plenty of Thai people doing exactly the same yet I've only ever seen these complaints aimed at foreign tourists.
  12. I must admit I was expecting a different allegation.
  13. Weren't the yellow bicycles in the picture a complete flop, with most of them used as a personal free means of transport by local families and the rest ending up in the khlong, before the company cut its losses and pulled out?
  14. The minibuses used to be the worst. They'd take you to a tour shop on the pretext the driver had to check in with the bosses, and try to sell hotel bookings, for those that didn't have one and in some cases to those that did on the pretext that the booked hotel was rat-infested, closed down or didn't exist. They'd also sell tours with a 10% discount on the brochure price (you'd get 50% in resort). I have no idea if this still goes on.
  15. On the one hand we have this story, yet just below we have this one Which is correct?
  16. Why drink milk when there are all these cheaper drink options available?
  17. Sounds like they should be on remand and not holed up on the inactive post department
  18. I won't link and it wouldn't surprise me if the mere mention of his name gets this post deleted, but I read an article on Andrew McGregor Marshall's Secret Siam site this morning. Quite long but gives a good summing up as to what''s been happening, why it's happening and what might happen. Of course the author's opinions come across quite strongly. It's definitely worth a read.
  19. Well, that's something else that needs to change!
  20. The EC needs to be revamped and not merely consist of seven men in their sixties and seventies who are supportive of the military and all it stands for. An element of neutrality is required for this role and if that's not possible at least representation from across the board, and that means not just cross party but age and gender as well. These guys probably realise they'll lose their jobs if Pita is rightfully installed as PM. That can't be helping his case.
  21. THailand seems to have some of the most ridiculous election rules in the world, mostly in place, no doubt, to be used as a tool against real democracy. I sncerely hope Pita and co do get into government and one their first jobs should be to rip up the current constitution, and amend all these anti-democracy laws.
  22. That won't exactly endear Prayut's senator friends towards supporting Pita!
  23. Yes. In theory even if you visit another province you should register there and then again when you get back to your home. This is where it gets really ridiculous.
  24. A warning? I wonder if they checked if he had a licence and being an abbot I suppose they didn't consider checking for alcohol!
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