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Posts posted by Crushdepth

  1. 100 pick-ups and 6 trucks.

    Looks like the numbers at Lumpini are about to triple.

    Only an idiot would discount the ire of the unpaid farmers. There's well over a million of them.

    And the overwhelming majority of them are Red to the core.

    No matter how bad you think Thaksin and his hot little sis are, the farmers know the other side are a hell of a lot worse.

    They're smarter than you guys give them credit for and that's why the Democrats are boycotting again.

    They're a lot less ignorant than you, I'll warrant. Overwhelming majority, red to the core eh?

  2. Of course, the police will say.........

    Red supporters to the bone.

    Anything to accuse PDRC, nothing against their own.

    The more I hear about them, the more I support Sutherp and his aim to reform this police force.

    That's it buddy, keep cheering on the murdering, coup mongering fascists and put down the RTP for doing their job.
    Shameless hypocrite. And yeah the police are just great.
  3. "....the surge of violence against anti-government protesters and independent organizations such as the Court of Justice, the National Anti-Corruption Commission and the Election Commission"

    Who writes this stuff?....Surge of violence?

    Trying to characterize coup-monger shenanigans, attempts to sow disorder and a sense of ungovernability in support of their anti-democratic agenda's, plus generate explosions in order to increase a sense of crisis that is fabricated by those who cannot win an election. Thereby needing to force their way into power via non-electoral means............. as a surge of violence, is ridiculous.

    But simply re-emphasizes the participation of the military in these affairs, pretending to be some sort of security thing.

    Reminds me of the Russian spin about needing to safeguard its' citizens in Ukraine from non-existent threats, as an excuse for territorial encroachment.

    So who should protect peaceful protestors if the police doesn't do it? Remember, 23 people got killed and the police have no clue who did it.

    Demonizing the police is coup-monger agenda in order to justify the participation of their friends in the military......The MO being to denigrate the police, in order to aggrandize the military.

    Not complicated.

    Nobody trusts the police to maintain order and that's a fact. Find something else to spin, you won't get far with this one.

    • Like 2
  4. And you do? biggrin.png

    A government that "defies" a ruling from the Constitution Court will be operating outside of the legal framework that empowers itself. It's fundamentally stupid.

    Where's the word "defy" in the PTP statement?

    You, the Nation and a bunch of other posters are cheerfully OTT.

    Take another look at the article, "defy" is an entirely reasonable summary of the quote below. Phuea Thai aren't going to accept the court decision if it nullifies the election result. They're already claiming the court has no right to consider the complaint, and obviously they imply that nullifying the election would be unconstitutional, unlawful and dishonest.

    Cancelling a "democratic" poll would lead to more rifts, the party said in its statement. The court's willingness to consider the case "without a mandate" would be dangerous for the rule of law. It would cause a crisis of faith in the justice system, it said"


    Pheu Thai Party accepts the conduct of constitutional organisations only under the Constitution and the law. The party will not accept any conduct [that is] not constitutional and lawful, especially dishonest use of laws as the tool for the purpose of political destruction," it said.

    "The party will stand firm beside the people in the fight for the people's sovereign power, not to let the sovereign power be in the hands of the Constitutional Court or independent organisations according to the Constitution."

  5. A redbull, two hamburgers and a flight to Malaysia for me.

    AND can I pay for them separate please cause they are for 4 different people, will visa be OK. Do you understand, and will you please put down your mobile when I speak to you. I am a tourist do you understand ??? why don't you know where Khon Khen is. DOH.

    Yes, you pointed to the most important thing in the case.

    They don't speak in English so this service for local people.

    And how may I book, how may I browse the flight? Do they make a counter machine there or I have to use the 7Eleven's staff who get 300 B / day ?

    Nice plan.

    The staff will choose your flight for you.

    So it's a lucky draw?

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. Banners with statements about "anti-corruption" and "stop violence" have been erected at the Public Health Ministry and at state hospitals by the Medical Workers Community Network.

    Who, or what, is the Medical Workers Community Network? Do they have any political affiliations?

    Why the sudden urge to stop violence, or corruption? Surely these have been issues for 50 years, so wouldn't they have been working tirelessly to address these issues?

    Are there any rules about erecting banners or signs on government property? At hospitals?

    What do these banners say, exactly?

    Why are hospitals used to showcase these banners? I'm all for free speech but maybe they should just pay for billboards?

    Are political/election billboards allowed at government facilities?

    Medical workers have to treat the victims of violence, and this is not the first time they've made it clear that they take a dim view of those that dish it out or authorise it. Corruption is also a substantial issue for state hospitals as much as any other government service.

  7. So how much smack talk does it actually take to get locked up around here?

    Sent from somewhere in the Pacific

    Suthep is still out and about running around so I guess it takes at least more than 4 months worth.

    but suthep isnt telling people to arm themselcves and rob banks etc as well as start killing people if he doesnt get his way, he is doing it legally not forming a terrorist organization for the current govt.

    Some people can't seem to understand the difference.

  8. Well the government is also duty bound to put Thaksin in the clink, but that didn't stop them issuing him a new passport, trying to railroad an amnesty for him through Parliament, allowing him to "advise" the government and PM, or travelling overseas to suck up to the Great Man in person.

    The government has absolutely no interest in governance or "rule of law" (Yinglucks favourite phrase). They aren't going to crack down on succession talk. No prizes for guessing who organised it.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. Now if only they would have used tough retaliation against the Southerners........ how many years has the South been in turmoil, wanting to breakaway from Thailand - wonder why they only start talking tough when it comes from Northerners.....?

    It was tough talk and shabby treatment from Thaksin's government that inflamed the south from the odd pipe bomb every couple of years into a full blown insurgency that has cost thousands of lives. Using force against a home grown guerilla movement does not work.

    UDD is in no way comparable to the southern problem.

    • Like 1
  10. Doesn't matter what type of building it is.... banners declaring the desire to stop corruption and violence is surely an admirable thing is it not?

    Anyone opposing those banners are surely supporting corruption and violence.

    Differing opinions??? You are either for it or against it. It is that simple really.

    There's nothing wrong with it. Government departments all over the place do sometimes produce posters encouraging people to report corruption. One institution I visited in India had a large metal plaque affixed to the wall that said DO NOT PAY BRIBES and instructions on who to contact etc.

    • Like 1
  11. The obvious choice of action would be to impound the vehicles concerned, however you need to take into account that Thailand is not affluent society , so the Question is, not who can pay the fine but who has any spare cash , with mainly two levels of Thai society, the wealthy and the poor , the picture doesn't look good to getting fines paid at either level .

    Need to impound the police officers concerned. And get new ones.

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