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Posts posted by Crushdepth

  1. Don’ they want all Thais to stay together.

    Do they mean to have all Shinawatra family members leave the country for good. It is such question that should be asked.

    1. No.

    2. Yes.

    3. The question has been asked, and tears from a laughably incompetent lightweight will not make it not go away, thankyouverymuchpackyourbaggoodbye.

    Edit: Having apparently irreconcilable problems with quotes, the first sentence should be in the quote but won't go.

  2. Bluespunk, corruption etc; I think just getting a government voted in will help, Thailand has lost so much money from the protesters causing havoc & creating dangerous situations . A country like this will take decades to stamp out corruption,if ever. Move forward ,have some one removed from the relevant politically party's explain to the "protesters" that this kind of action only hurts themselves in the long run. Tourism Thailands main industry has been hurt big time because of the protests,time for the force behind them to stop using the "little" people.

    Voting a govt in is step one. PT won and formed a govt. That's as it should be. However then they utterly failed Thailand and democracy through their misrule and divisive manner of govt. They have no concept of good governance or consensual rule. The current mess is of their own making. Suthep is wrong as are his "solutions" but PT's manner of rule is the root cause of the current mess.

    Right on.

  3. The judiciary's power will also enter a vacuum if a major political camp dismisses its power citing discrimination and biased rulings.

    A stand has to be made.

    A nation cannot exist if the courts continually throw out elected governments on trumped up charges.

    The courts are not the last bastion of hope, they are the last remaining stronghold of the anti-democrats.

    It is in the courts that the reforms this country so desperately need must begin and the reform process begins with PTP not accepting anymore biased rulings against them.

    ​Those concerned about a power vacuum should be out campaigning for new elections to be held ASAP

    What's trumped up?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    When it comes to these courts...

    What's not?

    Answer the question.

    • Like 1
  4. This displays a real lack of knowledge of the situation on the ground.

    The real danger will come from Songkran, not BRN, RKK and that lot...they have never targetted Western tourists in the past and, had they recently changed strategies, I bet the Aussie govt would be the last to know...

    Very true. Three or four hundred people are going to get massacred on the roads next week - and not by terrorists.

    • Like 1
  5. "Should a democratically elected Cabinet be able to remove or transfer permanent state officials as it deems fit? Of course it should"

    ... with solid reasons only.

    The transfer to an Advisor of the PM post and not being used suggests ulterior motives. The SAC ruled thus and thawil has been re-instatet with Ms. Yingluck complaining that should be the end of it.

    Transferring officials is ok, but appointing relatives to government posts is not. It doesn't matter if they are qualified, you can't appoint your own relatives because it's a conflict if interest.

  6. Ooh i have waited days to hear it from the yellow ultra-nationalists.

    The lese mayeste saga goes on.

    I see Yingluck has charged Ko Tee with LM.

    The fascist saga continues

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Really? Jeez. Laying lese majeste complaints is like a holier than thou competition. I am soooooo loyal.

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