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Posts posted by Crushdepth

  1. Oh my god! What a loser! This idiot reminds me of the kid in class who always got beat up because he would tattle tale to the teacher about everything! It's not as if the CIA and the US Embassy doesn't know what's happening here already. But you going to them and whining like a little b%tch just makes this PTP government look worse than it already is. bah.gif

    another immature post

    The Foreign Minister is briefing other countries as to what's happening, perfectly normal, perfectly natural

    nothing to see here... move along

    Actually it was a political stunt. The US doesn't need to be "briefed" by this relative of a despot.

    • Like 1
  2. The sad part is, he'll probably get away with nothing more than a "warning" not to do it again. In a truly "civilized" country - which we all know Thailand isn't - his "rich, well connected" butt would be sitting in a jail cell with an appointment with the judge pending.

    But TiT

    The Mercedes bus stop killer didn't spend a day in jail. Mr Red Bull heir hasn't bothered to show up to court yet either.

    Kind of surprised said passers by didn't beat the living shit out of him for such an inhuman act.

    Sent from somewhere in the Pacific

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  3. This will go on until the next election , most likely in May. If PM Yingluck falls on her sword, there are several candidates that stand ready to take her place, with the most likely her sister. However, the big issue is the impeachment. As much as the current government can be criticized over the rice pledging program, in a functioning democracy, punishment would be meted out at the ballot box if merited and not by a judiciary legislating from the bench. If the corruption commission can show the PM was directly implicated in corruption, then fine, impeach the PM, and put her in jail. However, to date, there hasn't been any tangible evidence of her corruption and that's why the NACC had better be able to make a good case. If not, then a popular uprising against the judiciary and its puppet masters would be expected.

    She is not facing a corruption charge. The former commerce minister and 14 other officials and businessmen have already been indicted for this. She is facing dereliction of duty charges for not properly overseeing the rice scam, as she was the person in charge.

    A corruption charge may follow, depending on what turns up during the investigation into her negligence.

  4. No time for rest, there is much for this lady, the face of democracy in Thailand to do:

    1, Defeat the flailing coup attempt

    2, win a crushing victory in the ensuing election

    3, Round up and lock up the street thugs who caused this mess

    4, Round up and lock up the behind the scenes string pullers and financiers who masterminded this mess

    5, Clean out the corrupted public officials who have destroyed the independence of the courts, the military and the NGO's - lock them up too

    6, Preside over a new referendum to fix the damage done to the 1997 constitution

    7, And finally, return to doing the peoples work by implementing PTP policy that has and will continue to improve the lives of everyday Thais

    You go get'em girl!

    Interesting fantasy. Not really my cup of tea though.

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