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Posts posted by Crushdepth

  1. Did anyone think that elections is the way to have a new government? The people have a right to select who represents them. Elections than reforms than new elections is the only way to go.

    The point is that you aren't going to get reforms out of an elected government, only "reforms". The table needs to be cleared by people who will NOT be standing for office afterwards.

    • Like 2
  2. Seems easy enough, Suthep has only to escalate violence via his thugish guards against the red protest group, and presto, the coup he has always been dreaming about, how convinient

    More likely the red bombers will escalate their grenade attacks - which have already in progress for some time - and we'll get a coup that way. Has it escaped your notice which side is threatening civil war?

    You are such a pathetically one eyed individual.

    • Like 2
  3. Thainess at it's best bah.gif

    Its a prison not a church.

    The nicest people do not really end up in prison, many are lifers and could not care less to kill someone over the silliest thing

    Nothing to do with Thainess,, same all over the world.

    Really? The chap was "accused" not guilty. For all we know he could have been the victim of an angry girlfriend pointing the finger at him because she was pee'd off at him for some reason, yet you seem to condone it. What a tribute to humanity you are.

    Oh..yeah, good story. And it happens all the time. Right? Just an angry girlfriend and you land in jail. I would say that was very unlikely.

    Sent from my GT-I9190 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    OK so let's assume he did steal the bike. He deserved to be beaten to death? Don't think so.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. It's a prison people, what do you expect, crochet classes and finger painting?

    Not being beaten to death is a reasonable expectation.

    What is this Thainess b/s.

    This is a very unfortunate case.

    However, in case you haven't noticed yet, beatings in prison don't only happen in Thailand and long seemingly endless remand cases also do not only happen in Thailand. People wrongly jailed does not only happen in Thailand.

    Here we are, siiting on the wall waiting for some normal thing to happen and have a bash at Thailand!!

    Get lives folks.

    Pick something you don't like. Should be REALLY easy and do something about it. If you can.

    This IS something I really don't like. Why are you making excuses for behaviour that is barbaric even by local standards?

    If you want to 'get a life' why waste your time posting on Thaivisa?

    • Like 1
  5. So where is the technical analysis of the ruling? I see a lot of editorials and commentary but no scholarly analysis. Where are the constitutional scholars? Does a straightforward reading of the constitution plainly forbid certain actions of which the PM is known to have done?

    Why doesn't political science Professor Paul Chambers explain precisely why the justices are wrong in their ruling?

    Because he's not interested in open-mindedly analysing the situation. He's the sort of academic that forces the facts to fit his own opinion - which is probably why he is where he is and not at Oxford, Yale or the Australian National University.

    As far as political science and Thailand goes you can take ANU off the list of respectable institutions, they're an embarrassment.

  6. This dirt will never see a day in jail. Sad but true.

    Jail for what?

    Thumping the Democrats in an election?

    Yingluck is far and away the cleanest, least corrupt PM this nation has ever seen.

    Corruption under the tutelage of her brother.

    PS are you suggesting she is cleaner than Thaksin?

    Not only is she cleaner than Thaksin, it follows that she is also cleaner than all those who Thaksin is cleaner than which is every single PM in the the conga line of unelected corrupt military backed individuals that preceded him and then throw in Abhisit and the other 2006 coup fool Surayad(?).

    How can she be cleaner than her criminal fugitive brother and controller? Give it a rest.

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  7. After living here for 30 years and seeing 10 Prime Ministers I think that we have to recognize that others have done nothing for Thailand. Thailand is a strong country where there is no poverty and unemployment. This country has been on a difficult trail to democracy since 1932 and has made great progress inspite of rotten civilian governments. Look around south east Asia, Thailand is growing and doing good. The road to democracy is long and hard especially in Asia. The army and others hanging over the head of democracy slows down the speed. The economy is strong and this country will grow and do good inspite of the poor purchased members of parliament. The road is a rocky and difficult one but Thai people love freedom. If they can give up selling their votes then we can get there a lot faster. THIS IS A GOOD COUNTRY MAKING GOOD PROGRESS!

    There is still plenty of poverty in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  8. The reds already had their rally planned for the 10th and the yellows/PDRC for the 14th, why on earth has this Lunatic and madman Suthep now brought his forward to clash with the red one. It appears the evil little fool is just busting for extreme violence and is prepared to sacrifice lives of his people for his personal gain.

    This numbskull must know by deliberately forcing a confrontation with red supporters it is going to full on hell. What happened to his peaceful approach. If anyone dies then Suthep alone will have to take full responsibility

    Putting these two groups together is just plain stupid. I'd be surprised if the military don't read them both the riot act shortly.

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