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Everything posted by Mickeem

  1. Probably to arrange the assets transferred out of the country with the bank
  2. Probably put the money in her account as they likely owe money to banks, loan sharks or family She will turn up soon back at parents house pregnant .. and skint
  3. These teen Thai Yai (Shan) Samurai sword gangs have been around for at least 10 years in the suburbs and in Chiang Mai city
  4. The tin roofs on these huts turn the insides into ovens during the hot season .. they are much cooler when roofed with the traditional leaf roofing
  5. Usually in CM city on the 12th the water throwing starts around the moat area .. Bangkok tourists and westerners .. then 13th 14th and 15th the full on Songkran daily till dusk In the sticks if you ride a bike you will get water thrown at you by kids 2-3 days earlier
  6. They don't give a monkeys ...
  7. I have one of these but not with me at the moment ..from what I can remember you have to squeeze the plastic gadget keeping the shaver heads in it unclips then take it out (use finger and thumb) .. then you can wash it out and replace the old shaver heads
  8. I remember the reason the Yaa Dong carts disappeared was that Thaksin stipulated that the herbal medicinal hooch had to be registered and sold as pharmacy type drugs Used to be a good start to the evening a few 5B shots of 'Sua Sib Et Tua' and others .
  9. Correct it happened to me and the immigration officer noticed I was referred to for overstay as I pleaded innocence and the overstay was 16 days and my flight soon departing I got away with just the overstay stamp and no fine .. I advise to visit your local imm office and get it sorted out asap
  10. Also 'Joes Bike Team' Mae Rim had a bike pick up service with a sidecar transport as a cheaper option You can google them also for their Facebook page and contact details but they havn't updated their page for a while
  11. G3 Garage Chiang Mai have a bike pick up and delivery service you can google them find their Facebook page with contact details
  12. First a rumble for a second then quite a jolt here in Chiang Mai city
  13. Why bkk? Seems others are saying chiang mai I was stopped at BKK on this visit by the head shaking Imm officer flicking through my passport pages, taken to the supervisor desk and shouted at and harangued for having 2 covid and TR visa extensions in the last 2 yrs .. told to get a long term visa not a TR visa and given contact details of a 'visa consultant' I was entering on the 45 day + 30 days extension they did not like that one bit .. had to fill in a form to give extra personal details address phone email hotel and warned if I try to to enter without a visa again I could be Deported!!!! So I would recommend entering at CNX next as I would be doing ... they obviously have something going on at BKK
  14. Several days ago I had to show my onward flight at Stansted to board a Emirates flight without a visa As for the immigration reception at BKK and 1 hour interrogation regarding past extended stays during the European winter months I will leave for another topic
  15. They used to wear a lot less than shorts & t shirts during the soapy show My mate who had met John at JP went into a Patong Go Go a few days later and was baffled as to why he was there .. "I'm his twin brother" uh ok .. I was told at the time the 'Hi Hi So' who was upset with the Loh Kroh scene was a 'Male' and wanted it all shut down So it's time to remove the John Place 20% discount card from my wallet then
  16. Sayuri ha ha .. twenty odd years ago when with polite company we referred to it as the 'Japanese Embassy'
  17. My Lisu lady friend only goes back home to Pangmapa when she really has to because of her motion sickness on the bus .. manages to fill a few plastic bags on the way
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