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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. Wind loading?? What's that? Thailand often gets strong winds..mostly gusts...but such a structure must should not blow down! PTT never the less, will very likely not be liable...they're far too big...except maybe for nominal payment in compensation.
  2. Oh....wind loading..what's that? Thai construction again at its best.
  3. Massive crime solve by the RTP...they must be so proud.....or were these people encroaching?
  4. The children are having fun....another 2-3 months and all will be forgotten...by the media at least!
  5. Just talk....nothing will change other than a few extra arrests of couriers.....the big names won't show!
  6. Next we'll hear that the police were not involved...that was just a misunderstanding...as Jacko states....going to be dragged out to fizzle!
  7. There was an assassination in Thailand just recently, where ~20 cops were gathered, witnessed the killing, cleaned up the mess, and the Thai people "suspect" collusion?
  8. Hopefully this project gets finished, and also it would be good if it makes a difference. On so many past attempts to improve things in Pattaya, many have simply failed. Garbage is a huge issue in Thailand....if people need to pay to dump, then rubbish will just be dumped anywhere.
  9. Isn't corruption the RTP' main business tactic? They try to make is sound surprising:)
  10. That's 2 cranes that have been reported this week alone...but there's very likely been several more crane crashes this week throughout the country not repoted....!
  11. Murder an old lady for a friggin' phone? How low can some people go?
  12. Another academy award show by the RTP. They know he's gone, just don't want to get him!
  13. Probably Immigration....he's likely passed through enough times:)
  14. Why don't they just say what happened? Silly question I know, too many people would be screwed. It's very well known that Vorayuth Yoovidhya' family paid an extraordinary amount of money to shut the case down....this is just a small diversion in preparation of the homecoming.
  15. I'm in the wrong business...these scams just keep working! The greed of Thai people is never ending!
  16. Not sure if he only thinks he's a Hi-So...32 OS trips is a big deal!
  17. Should be easy to nab him! Yesterday it was reported that the Thai police were there on other business...(there probably often there on "business)..just give 'em a call!
  18. I don't know...people complain about everything nowadays.....:))
  19. There is certainly something brewing over Non O.....whether more bank funds or something. Maybe even a promotion of the "under the table" visa....
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