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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. Is that the bull in the pic? Bones in a leather bag!
  2. Another rear ender....! No-one ever learns....or get taught!
  3. Great idea....however, these will sit on the floor somewhere, or hang on a wall....gather dust, never be checked, forgotten and of course, no training in the use of will never happen!
  4. Hookers, booze and trans people....always a recipe for trouble....
  5. Thought it may have been Chiang Mai or even Pattaya....but then..there's bo prostitution in those places....
  6. Being on the inside of a turning semi trailer is always a very bad idea. Education could fix this absence of knowledge.....but it's doubtful
  7. Quite a common incident here.....so many just have no idea about the dangers of these situations....2025 and still doing the same things that killed workers 50 years ago
  8. Pretty much global....I often take an Airbnb in Australia...usually apartment blocks in convenient places....there's key boxes everywhere chained to fences, posts. I love them...my son usually takes one when he comes to BKK....cheaper than hotels, cooking facilities, gyms, pools etc.
  9. There is a height limit of 4.0m.....been in for a long time. Double decker buses are no banned. However, there are so many buses that are over that limit, it was, as usual, too difficult to manage. Whether being above 4.0m makes a lot of difference, I don't know.
  10. Stupid driver! Rear enders take out so many in Thailand! And the cops?
  11. Smart move....a hotline fixes everything!
  12. The cops definitely had the mail on this guy....nice pick-up for them!
  13. Seat belts are not comfortable...
  14. Thai builders and electricity really don't go well together!
  15. Rear enders in to stationary trucks are insane..cars, notorcycles, school trucks....it's an everyday occurrence...stupid people do stupid things!
  16. Undertaking......driving like this is good for business!
  17. Mmmmm....looks genuine:)) Another person in need of spectacles!
  18. There's been plenty of these incidents reported....but no-one learns! "Not necessary in Thailand"....or the old one "we don't do like that here"
  19. So....the motorcyclist was undertaking....not overtaking. Passing trucks on the drivers blind side is really not just understanding basic road safety. We see it every day! One day the education department might just be persuaded to introduce road safety into the curriculum......which would be so good! However.....without doubt, the teachers would not have a clue!
  20. Hilarious.....a hooker protesting infidelity.....!
  21. Oh my....another PR stunt for the next week or so.....illegal parking:))
  22. They get the small fries as usual....they very likely know the main actors, but avoid them at all costs. Catching the scammers is a scam!
  23. Xenophobia is tiresome here.....!
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