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Everything posted by ChrisY1

  1. Once the International media and travel people get a grasp of this nonsense, they'll slam Thailand harder than the stupid government could imagine. The much vaunted "wealthy tourists" will quickly understand the intended rip off scheme is aimed at them! Expect a "misunderstanding" media report to be released shortly.
  2. "We have seen roughly a ten percent increase in international tourists after the Thailand Pass program was ended from July 1st.” Today is July 4.....amazing stats!
  3. Not at all.....but the photographers' a dope!
  4. IMO, anyone that goes nuts in a mall and shoots to kill and harm people....is a terrorist and has committed a terrorist act!
  5. What I wonder are the commissions??
  6. There already are 5 breweries I know of.....3 Bears, 72 Brewing Company, Ambrosia, Bannok Beer and Beat Brewing...
  7. Just gotta trust Thai online banking....??
  8. Again...just uninformed nonsense fro Thailands' leader.....even though he knows the RTP are driving much of this...!
  9. People here love Siberian Husky'.....they have no understanding that these dogs are bred for ice conditions....not 35+ Thai heat. That this animal was hit with a dart...maybe from an air-soft, is irrelevant....people are dopey!
  10. Never undertake a truck ......this is what happens!
  11. Well.....you would obviously be surprised to understand the real wealth of many Indians.....they would shame the "cheap charlies" of Payyata:)
  12. The Indians are under attack.....not a cop in sight and as usual...no arrests.
  13. Great....hundreds of stoned tourists....dozens of stone weed sellers....nothing to see here!
  14. Is this just another "foreigner issue" fire problem......no-one else to blame?
  15. Ahhh....<deleted>! Definitely something new for Thailand as far as I know! Maybe it's been done before, whatever......let's see how the global media hacks it up!
  16. Can you tell us where there are black water sewer drains in BKK?...As far as I know, there are no such drains!....."Septic" tank under the house.....overflow into the storm water system....
  17. That these trucks have been parked up for 2 decades...regardless the corruption involved...is testament to the idiocy that prevails in Thailand! As for getting money back fro families...as Joepai says..dream on!
  18. BIG score for the cops....! No doubt the tables taken will be put to very good use...and Thb 4.7Mio is a very sweet bonus!
  19. Expect anger from the Pattaya ladyboys.....! Indians beware....gold chains are all the go....just make sure pictures of your mask and chain are available:)
  20. The case of another Hi-So making a name for herself.....or just another scammer?....I think the latter!
  21. Old transformers! The Electricity Authority should hang their heads in shame and very low! That their old and never service equipment fails and kills, shows the negligence of this authority. I hope the new BKK governor, Chadchart, gets moving on this and starts to chop dud officials!
  22. That's how bad it is here....someone does the right thing and gets praise!
  23. I would pay homage to breasts that lookalike termite mounds....as long as they don't bite!
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