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Posts posted by canuckamuck

  1. 1 minute ago, luckyluke said:

    That's what "belief" is in many cases. 


    Someone has an opinion about something, another one claim that it is totally wrong, that his opinion is the only right one. 


    So can we state in the example here above that one of the two is right and one not? 


    O should we state that both are right because both believe they are right.


    And that there is no opinion which is better/more accurate than another, except in the individuals mind. 


    Yes you are right. But his destruction of God through the use of Occam's razor failed because it was based on a singular view of God.

    That is not to say my view is not also based on belief. But his idea of God was not based on anything more than his idea as an atheist. So his argument is meaningless to anyone he disagree's with. People who believe in God do not generally consider evil to be God's error.  Some do discount the problem of evil though.

  2. I was asked for a boarding pass once as we were deplaning on the jetway. This was in Pakistan though. I thought it was quite ridiculous that they wanted to see what plane I was on while I was in the process of leaving the plane. To make it worse, I didn't know what I had done with it. So I got into an argument with the security guy.

    My friends told me to cool it and the guy let me go after a while.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    Been around since the beginning of the thread actually (reading only).  Hesitant to engage for a number of reasons.  I've always been one to enjoy exchanges of ideas, especially on topics which are meaningful and profound to me . . . so long as it's playful.  Weightier subject matter often tends to devolve into mindless and purely insulting posts.  I would then rather spend my time on other fulfilling interests.  Public general forums often don't work well when the subject matter is God or life itself.  

    I think this thread is quite a marvel, as it has not been drawn into pettiness (much) and the free flow of ideas has been accommodated.

    People's worldviews are intimate and usually do not fair well in the wild. Welcome to the thread Tipper.

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  4. It was a big deal here last year, lots of folks buying trees, I don't know how the trees are doing now though. We decided not to buy any. I think they produce after two years. The thing is, The cocoa industry is struggling because people don't want to do the work, very labor intensive I hear. So it will be interesting to see if cocoa will take off here. I would like to know if anyone has experience with cocoa in Thailand. I might put some trees in this year just for curiosity's sake.

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  5. Very inefficient to kill a pig with a club. And it damages the head, which is sold here at markets.

    They must have made a mistake when they stabbed it. Generally it's a spear to heart and lungs. At least that's how my next door neighbor does it three times a week. A good jab and it's over pretty quick.

    Pigs make outrageous noises when they are being caught. It sounds like they are being murdered, even when they are just tied up.

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  6. 9 hours ago, WalkingOrders said:

    Yeah I am out. This was about God, religion, spirituality, atheism, philosophy, and seems to have degenerated into insult and politics.

    To be fair, Sirineou and I had a brief political scuffle back there but we set it aside, this thread is no longer about politics and it never really was. Please stick around, this thread keeps resurrecting itself and your comments are interesting.

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