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Posts posted by rotary

  1. If she uses a computer you have access too put key logger software on it. You will be able to read every word she types in emails or chats on that computer. You can buy this software online for around $50. Most of these programs will email you the data every few hours. Of course check to make sure this is legal in your place of residence...........whistling.gif

  2. Impossible in practical terms. I looked at taking my 2008 Ford Edge from the middle east to the US as it was a year old. It seems that it is very hard to know exactly what spec the car was built to as the middle east specs are different than USA spec no matter that the Edge was made in Canada.

    I had some emails with companies that worked on making vehicles conform to US standards. If I remember right it was something like $5000 to to check everything to see what needed to be done. Its just not practical. Sell that Isuzu and buy a Ford F250, you will be dollars ahead and much happier.

  3. The initial mistake was made by connected long term with a woman with kid/s from a previous relationship. Sometimes thats ok, most of the time not as they resent you. Then even allowing "Dad" to move in and not throwing him out on his ear was a major mistake.

    Good luck in a salvage of this relationship. You have to step up and take control or get out.

  4. Good post Bob, It has all worked well really as I have had use of the property but I never planned to make anything anyway. It has been a great base.

    My point is thinking you are buying property as an "investment" many times in any country and most of the time in Thailand does not really work out if you consider the cost of ownership plus initial investment vs even just putting the money in the bank at a low interest rate. The rags to riches story of I bought for 1 million, kept it 18 months and sold for 2 million are pretty rare. The stories of I bought land in Nakron Nowwhere at 50,000 a rai, kept it for 14 years and sold for 150,000 a rai are also pretty rare.

    All is possible of course but just not the norm. If you like it, need it, buy it but do not plan on winning the lottery when or if you can sell it.

    • Like 2
  5. Why does Thai property have limited liquidity? My half Thai daughter has land in her name and I view this as her college education fund...

    When the time I right I hope to sell the land 12-14 years from now and use the money to finance her USA college education...


    Good luck on that, and it might work out for you, but over the almost 30 years I have been in Thailand I know more people who lost or made nothing on property than people who made anything. I have a condo I bought in 1997. Original "asking" price was almost 2 million from the seller. Due to the 1997 financial crisis I bought at 960,000 baht if you take into account that fact I changed dollars at more than 50 baht to the dollar it was a ok buy. In the years later I saw condos selling in that building as low as 500,000 baht. The resident handy man that deals in condos in that area tells me it would sell for 1.5 million baht now. So lets see I have held the property for almost 20 years. I have paid condo fee's of around 360,000 baht plus kept the electric power turned on,etc. Now I would just about be even if I sold in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, it was a good deal as I had a base but we have seldom stayed there. Maybe I have spent 1000 days there since 1997. The issue is did it make money? Nope not at all. If we are talking investment the money would have been better off in the bank at 2% interest over these years. As far as raw land it depends where it is at. On Silom Road you are in good shape maybe. In Nakorn Nowwhere maybe not so good. Also in most cases not that easy to sell raw land but pretty easy to buy. Houses in most areas are not much if any better. There are more losers than gainers. More folks selling than buying for sure. I wish you they best of luck on paying for college with that "investment" but it might be wise to have a plan "B". I still believe the best thing is buy the property you need and like, hope for the best but expect the worst but you should never consider a peice of property a solid sure thing investment.

    • Like 2
  6. If it is anything like 8 years ago you need the dates/place of marriage and divorce. Thats all. Many years ago you needed divorce papers. If you have the divorce papers handy I would take them with me. I had a work colleague that went to the US Embassy to get his paperwork and they tracked down he owed child support in the USA. They replaced his passport with a special passport for travel to the US only. That was his story anyway.

  7. We will see a correction in activity levels in upstream something like happened in the early 80s. Oil prices will remain under $55 for 2 to 3 years. About 1/2 of the upstream hands will lose their jobs. We have lots of pressure to use nationals or TCNs in positions and also Expats not living in Europe or North America will find it easier to work as firms want to save the problems and cost of hands having long flights with several legs. Pay raises will be lower or just not given, in fact expect salaries to be cut which has happened in the past. As to what happens to these oil workers in Thailand..........if they were smart by saving money they will enjoy the rewards of their efforts, if they spent all their money thinking it would never end then back home they go. Problem is this is about the longest up cycle in oilfield history we have just finished. People who have worked a short time such as 10 years have not really seen what can happen. Yes in the oilfield 10 years is viewed as a fairly new employee still.

    I will now put up my crystal ball eh I mean my historical data info and pick up my beer.

    Fair assessment other than the duration of 2-3 years under 55, I believe prices will rise way before that, think this situation is more like 2008/2009

    Soutpeel, lets hope you are correct on less than 2-3 years on prices. I was there in the early 80s so that's burned in my memory. I never had a problem with keeping a job mostly due to luck and being in the right place at the right time but most of my mates did hence almost all left the oilfield. This will be a good reality check for these younger blokes.

  8. All drugs should be made legal and normally taxed as any other product..

    What is the difference between cocaine sigarettes whiskey and weed? in my opinion there is none ...

    Let say there is a new type of food it taste good but it destroys your lungs and will give you cancer after u eat this product for 10-15 years..Do you think this new food product would be allowed to sell in the supermarkets? of course not it would get banned right away..So why do sigarettes not get banned then ?och i see governement just tax it ..So then how about to tax and legalise all the drugs...?

    War on drugs is a complete joke.

    A country killing executing their drug smugglers is an inhuman country..

    Any guys here cheering about drug smuglers put to death you are disgusting !

    I will give you the address for one of my mates so you can give him this info. His daughter was stealing from their home thousands of dollars in cash and household items, was in jail many times for drugs and stealing, assault on a police officer, possession of stolen property and abandoned a child less than 2 weeks old to run off and do drugs. She is now doing a 15 year prison sentence not for drugs.......for possession of stolen property and assault on a policeman. She is less than 20 years old. So sure your points are well taken but just not valid.

    • Like 1
  9. We will see a correction in activity levels in upstream something like happened in the early 80s. Oil prices will remain under $55 for 2 to 3 years. About 1/2 of the upstream hands will lose their jobs. We have lots of pressure to use nationals or TCNs in positions and also Expats not living in Europe or North America will find it easier to work as firms want to save the problems and cost of hands having long flights with several legs. Pay raises will be lower or just not given, in fact expect salaries to be cut which has happened in the past. As to what happens to these oil workers in Thailand..........if they were smart by saving money they will enjoy the rewards of their efforts, if they spent all their money thinking it would never end then back home they go. Problem is this is about the longest up cycle in oilfield history we have just finished. People who have worked a short time such as 10 years have not really seen what can happen. Yes in the oilfield 10 years is viewed as a fairly new employee still.

    I will now put up my crystal ball eh I mean my historical data info and pick up my beer.

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