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Posts posted by rotary

  1. If they send reasonable bills, he will cooperate.

    If they send right wing garbage, he will veto.

    That's what I expect of him in this situation and so do the majority of Americans.

    Don't be deceived by the recent midterm elections ... it has nothing to do with the presidential elections coming up in 2016.

    No, I don't think Obama's overall performance has been great, but compared to the do nothing congress. he still looks RELATIVELY good.

    for President 2016 intheclub.gif

    Is America ready for a lezbian prez?

    I guess they are ready for a lezbian as much as they are ready for a card carrying witch like Hillary

  2. A couple of days ago Thai Chamber of Commerce was lobbying for laws to be tightened regarding foreign investors, as they believed it would improve standards and lower corruption etc. However, now that they have a chance to improve standards by allowing unions etc. suddenly the bar cannot be set low enough.

    Of course, the real reason is that kicking out foreign companies is considered beneficial to Thai Chamber of Commerce members as it means less competition, while labour unions are likely to increase costs for the member companies.

    The Thai Chamber of Commerce is a disgrace, but at least it reflects it's members very well - greed and selfishness above all else.

    Do you feel unions are good?

  3. "... but I'm wondering what sort of value to employers give them 1. locally and 2. internationally?"

    Answer the question yourself: Go to ANY of the University ranking sites on the net and try to find a Thai university within the top-50 worldwide...

    You mean top 50 in Asia. Worldwide, I think the first Thai Uni comes in around 300, and that's for sciences majors.

    Gosh if the University is in the top 25% in the world thats not bad for most students. Several Thai Unis are in this range at 20% the cost of the western one.

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  4. Let's think together.

    On the application form (have you even opened it ?), do you see a space to place SSN and credit check consent ?

    Edit: I may have been just trolled.

    I would say do it the old fashioned way, work and pay your debt and stop trying to run away from the debt. Be responsible.

    Let's think together buddy..

    here's the link to the application: http://www.thaiconsulatela.org/pdf/visa_application.pdf

    Do you see the word "credit" or even "check" anywhere on the application? Let alone

    I think that was his point.

    The only way they are going to know about your debt(s) is if it has gone to court and you have a default judgement as a matter of public record.

    One consideration, I am assuming you are mid-30's or younger since you are a Suby fan ;-)

    Think hard if you are moving here to escape debt. This place "chews em up and spits em out" often and you may find yourself wanting to return stateside only to find the debts you allowed to become delinquent are a much bigger headache in the future than now. Especially if its student loan debt. Just a thought.


    Thank you for the response!

    My mom collapsed due to high-blood pressure and almost had an aneurysm, so they had to run all sort's of tests, bottom-line is her medical bill came out to $30,000USD. She is no longer able to run her dry cleaner business (she is trying to sell it), and I still have over $80,000 in student loans.

    I have/had really good credit, so I was able to apply for 3 credit cards on top of the 2 I had. So I basically have over $30,000 in credit card debt, on top of my student loans. My uncle (mom's brother) has lived in Thailand for over 20 years, and I have visited Thailand in the past.

    Do you know if this instance would goto court? I'm not very familiar with default judgements and "public record", could you elaborate?

    Thank you, again.

  5. This things are not called "safe". These are safety boxes. If you want to know how to open look at those videos on Youtube...

    Yes you are right, several VDOs on YOUTUBE on opening these. I had one in my locker at work and forgot the combo. The methods on YOUTUBE work I assure you.

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