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Posts posted by rotary

  1. If you miss him then pay the $300 and tell your wife that you have spoken. In all seriousness.

    Yes, I think we will go that way and the wife won't mind. Dad is possibly trying to put the wind up him so he will learn a lesson. He really is a good dad and a top bloke.

    What he did was on the lower end of the scale, but illegal never-the-less and he got caught.

    Ok gents, he got caught smoking a joint and in possession.

    Please don't hang him.

    Shit... half the back backers on KS road would be hanging!!!!

    As they should be.

    • Like 1
  2. Several years ago I was in a major retailer store in Bkk. I noticed that the large shelves had a cable support system. They had used a cable clamp to secure the cable to the shelve...........the clamp was attached in the wrong direction and there should have been 2 clamps on this cable with the correct spacing or better yet shop made eyes that had been load tested. Simple mistakes but dangerous ones.

  3. Obama is worse than a drunk sailor, at least a drunk sailor stops spending when he is broke. Obama just borrows more. Worst president of modern times without a doubt.

    You obviously missed the thread about Congress's tax bill, and him halving the deficit.

    But you know, don't let facts get in the way of a good moan.

    Well Obama made a good part of that debt so he should cut it but if the 'real' facts are known I would guess nothing but spin magic that Harry Reid would be jealous of because not his idea.

    Obama is a stranger to the truth & a master at spinning tall tales, has never really held any real job and his goal is to open the gates to illegal immigrants to get more democratic votes. Just say Obama and Jimmy Carter smiles as he knows he has been replaced as the worst president of modern times.

    • Like 1
  4. Looks like I might be acquiring a 2 story house in the future, not my choice really, but nice house worth the money but 2 story.

    I see on the web there are several Thai companies that make small home type elevators for 2 story houses. Without all the "comments" of all the bad which I am aware of does anybody have any direct knowledge of the home style elevators as far as using them, safety and cost?

    I cannot see me tracking up/down stairs in my older years.

  5. "Traditionally, what might be called a dowry is paid by the groom to the bride’s family. If your fiancée is Thai, this is an issue you may have to come to terms with and it is often a bone of contention for non-Thai men."

    Well thats an opinion we do not share I assure you. Treat that Sin Sod like drugs, Just say NO.

    • Like 2
  6. I read the full article and as always I like to stay informed. For some strange reason there was nothing about little Michael robbing the store a few minutes before this event. Nothing about him man handling the clerk. Lets have full disclosure here. This really has nothing to do with race and everything to do with a criminal act by little Michael. If Michael was white or even Hispanic would we have all this out cry. In any case Michael was involved in a crime and he resisted arrest.

    He got shot and it does not matter if he was black, blue, pink, green or any other shade of colour.

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