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Posts posted by Tornado

  1. We will see, wont we :o

    Wolfie is busy now I think :D

    Australian Sons lets us rejoice, for we are young and free......... da da da da da da da da da, our home is girt by sea - come on the Wallabies

  2. Gary Ayres, the Crows Coach, quit yesterday.

    Niel Craig is Caretaker Coach for the remainder of the season.

    The Crows are having a bad time of it.......... Now Carey is gone to :o

    Im glad to see Ayres gone, he is hopeless!

    Bring back the days when the Crows were king and Victorians cried rivers of tears!

  3. I hear that Thai dope is amongst some of the best in the world, but is it considered a dreadful 'evil' in this country?.....from what I have read the authorities seem to have taken an over the top attitude to it and use it as an excuse to extort money from tourists.

    Is it readily available to the locals? (I hear it is from various markets?)

    Anyone any experience of this good or bad?

    I assume ganja is still readily available in the isolated hard core young tourist areas like Koh Phangan. Me doubts it is readily available elsewhere. It is not consumed by most Thai people except for in Isaan where poverty is more rampant. Ganja is not tolerated by the Police and you are just asking for trouble by using anywhere in the Kingdom.

    I have not heard of much extortion over the past 10 years or more. Some 20 years ago there was a German scheisskopf who worked with the Chiang Mai police to extort money from young travelers. The Police would raid the guesthouses early in the AM and those foolish enough to be caught would be driven around in a Police car with the German guy who would act as the translator and ask for 10,000 baat or send you to jail. But again, it has been ages since I have heard of any such extortion schemes. But to have possession of such an illegal drug in Thailand, well caveat emptor.

    If you want to get high in Thailand or any other foreign country you take your chances. If you are in a Thai city or town where there is a police presence then there is a chance you will get busted. Do the math as I am sure you would prefer to pay an "exorbitant fine" than risk incarceration in a Thai penal institution and assume many other Thai people believe the same way and might be tempted to profit form such a situation.

    May I suggest Mae Khong sodas as a delightful legal alternative. Or for something more fruitful go to Mae Salong to buy some lynchee wine. Then start with a Khao San Rd fruit smoothie or shake and add soda, some lynchee wine and some Mae Khong. Do this at night and then look for an equally smashed tuk-tuk driver to take you for a ride around the city.

    It is everywhere in Thailand, but is it worth the "time" if you get caught??

    Me think not :o

  4. You take the "Phi Phi ferry" from Phuket Town - not sure of the name of the boat, but it leaves everyday I think.. The boat holds about 300 or more passengers if I remember right. Ask your Taxi drive as he knows...

  5. "After the trial, Chamlong and the six convicted women said they planned to appeal and requested bail, presenting title deeds for land in Nakhon Pathom's Sam Phran and Bang Len districts worth Bt22 million. The court forwarded the bail request to an appeals court. "

    That seems to be a lot of land assets for a monk? :D

    How much land would that be? as it is in the middle of nowhere - it must be at least 1 thousand Rai or the whole main street. :o

  6. well :o, the pommy supporters seem to be out in force today :D

    Has England beaten anyone in anything over the last two weeks :D and dont count that game last night!

    I will be home watching the rugby as I have a few other Aussies and Pommys coming over for a BBQ and to celebrate the Aussie victory! Half time we are gonna shave the pommys heads - just for a laugh!

    Anchor bar?, is that the one across from the coffee pot? (fat Tonys as I like to call it).

    I will definately meet all you sore losers after if you like in Patong as I promised Lovely "I've got a soap dodger boyfriend" Cutie, that the amber fluids will be flowing there. I am bringing a few poms with me to Lovely as we need someone to laugh at.

    At least this time no one will be saying "wheel him out of the way" or letting down my tyres as Tornado is now upright :D

    FTH, are you a pom also?

    come on Aussie come on!

  7. I have noticed you guys posting "phukets Best Bars" are all in the whore areas, Patong, Kata, Karon and the like, havent you guys grown out of that scene yet
    Well I was there Saturday night at the farang bar, same sh!t, different day!
    Really??? Pray tell what were you doing in the farang bar then?
    havent you guys grown out of that scene yet?

    Gotcha :D

    I never said I do not go to these bars, I said they are not Phuket's best...

    All the guys that I know drink in Bangala, so I make a trip over once a week.

    I try to get my mates to go to Phuket Town but they wont go as they speak no Thai and it isnt as easy to get laid there.............

    So Wolfie< if you like I will take you to Phuket Town and show you what you are missing :D

    I will see you Saturday in Patong then lovelycutie, I am looking forward to it actually - Aussies thrashing the poms in Rugby and a few drinks with lovely - perfect day really! :o

  8. I just don’t think this an appropriate place for an anti-American rant. Of course, you are probably the type of person that would crash his funeral to make your political point.


    Thaihome, your thoughts are yours and that is fine - point taken!

    But................... that last sentence is really low :o

  9. Most of the world does not accept murder as being a religious act regardless of what the reason is. Only extremist such as you condone

    such as having something to do with religion. Until they seperate the two they will never be accepted as anything but criminals.

    edited by me as who wants a slinging match with one eyed debators?

  10. I have noticed you guys posting  "phukets Best Bars" are all in the whore areas, Patong, Kata, Karon and the like, havent you guys grown out of that scene yet :o

    You havent been to Kata/Karon in the past few weeks have you?

    I've seen more hoez in an English church mate

    what does all that actually mean? :D

    Ok I get it now!

    Well I was there Saturday night at the farang bar, same sh!t, different day!

  11. Maybe you should explain how this thread pertains in any way to Thailand? There is another forum for this sort of stuff. :o


    What has it got to do with Thailand? we all live in this world and that is what is being threatened.......

    I have looked in on the "other forum" , 10 consistent posters calling every one names is not a debate!

    I suppose it is back to "how many bar girls are you in love with" :D

  12. I can not differentiate who is the terrorist and who is the good guy.  

    Seems a shame that even this thread can't exist without people posting this type of rhetoric trying to justify or minimize what happened...


    I think Kwiz117 was putting things in perspective, post your stuff and we will post ours - ok your honour? :o

  13. Maybe you should explain how this thread pertains in any way to Thailand? There is another forum for this sort of stuff. :D


    get angry if you want to :o

    It is a follow on from the other postings on Mr Johnson, have a xanax and put things in perspective :D

  14. Firstly, I am saddened by the death of this American man, I feel very sad for his family, friends and offcourse Mr Johnson himself.

    What I cannot understand is why 1 man's death gets so much attention, but the 700 killed in Fallujah was never broadcast on TV.

    Yes, torture is very bad and should never have happened. But the killing of over 700 civilians, and the maiming of over a thousand in Fallujah, a city that General Kimmit and his colleagues threatened to “level” was never shown on American TV. The US would have leveled the city—but were stopped by the international outcry—this dastardly deed has never been seen by the U.S. public to this day. Yet, we know that American media people did see some of the corpses and major devastation. Al Jazeera offered the tapes to the US, but none of our media and our “courageous” media moguls wanted to show these tapes. If they had, perhaps the American people could better understand why there is so much hatred and fear of America in Iraq.


    I find the media to be always one sided and forget there is two sides to a conflict and "good people" on both sides are being killed everyday.... :o

  15. He Dave,

    Would that be Ott you are talking about by any chance. He is my brother in law!

    I dont know how that could be? I have known Ott for 7 years, it is funny I have never met "Jimbo", then again it is a forum......... :D

    I have noticed you guys posting "phukets Best Bars" are all in the whore areas, Patong, Kata, Karon and the like, havent you guys grown out of that scene yet :o

    Best Bars in Phuket - Phuket Town away from the riff raff, drunken expats, inflated prices, fights and the crap that hangs in Patong!

  16. Firstly Stroll, I think the gent scamp is needing a "cyber shoulder" and he should be able to ask what he likes on this forum.

    By the sounds of it Gent, you need a cuddle and breakfast in bed mate.

    By the sounds of your postings, I think your "dead end job" is your major problem, the sleep, the food, the women and the wart :o are just the tail end of your "shitty life"......

    I would suggest you really start looking for other work that is more rewarding to you, both financially and mentally. Post on this forum for work wanted and you maybe surprised what comes up.

    I came to Thailand on my 30th Birthday, had no money really to speak of, got a job that paid 10,000 baht per month and was feeling depressed - over the next couple of years here I squirmed around trying to find my niche and generally felt like crap...... After those shitty few years here, I now am married, have my own business, got all the toys and feel good about life.......... My world changed after I changed my thinking!.... that is all it was! I kept closing doors and opening new ones. I would say to you my friend, quit your job in August (as this is when you can be replaced?) and then "go out and do better"......... If your back is against the wall, you WILL succeeed or die trying mate...... For things to change, you must change your outlook and perceive the world to be your own...

    Place a few adds online now, tell us what you can do and I bet something comes out of it..... You seem like a good bloke, maybe some of the other expats here might employ you?!

    Good Luck with the food as well! :D

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