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Posts posted by Tornado

  1. Tornado, I would have run like mad, if my GF cheated on my while I was in Bangkok.

    However, I left my GF in BKK for three months, and she told me she thought I would not return - and started to think that I was only going to BKK for sex.

    However, I do not accept this as an excuse for cheating and saying the words "I love you" on the phone, while having sex with another man - but the situation is not totally cut and dry. I hope you understand.

    Where do you meet the virgins in their lates 20s?

    Firstly, only you know the real reasons and your actions are only yours. That is the beauty of life...Choice!

    Where are the virgins? :D , I certainly did not have that as number one on my list, nor do I judge Thai girls in general, whether they be from the bar or the bank.

    I met my wife in Bangkok in an office I had some business dealings with, I asked for a date many times but was told no! until I spent 10 baht (big spender :D ) on a rose and actually got down on bended knee and asked her to marry me. It was in jest at the time, but I made her laugh and that was my "in". I went with her and her friend on the first two dates (weird situation) and then things developed naturally.

    I didnt know her background nor did I care as she made me feel good, so she could have been a man chasing nympho in office attire, but I found her to be shy and the rest is my business :o

    Good Luck!

  2. A question to Dave.

    I know a great English lady by the name of Henrietta H, her father (Dave) owns a bar in Pattaya, who I have met on one occasion.

    Is this the same Dave?

  3. Thailover1, I have sympathy for you as she has "cheated", like many people in the world. I agree with the other posters that there is a big age difference but sweet words between people are sacred and IMHO, kick her to the curb and find another.

    How could you think about trusting her again?

    I have a "nice girl" and she has many "nice" friends that are mainly virgins in thier late 20's, they are out there, look a little deeper and best regards.

  4. The rain is here in triplicate, such a great time of the year.

    It has rained here for the last 24 hours, it is dark outside and the breezes are great. Best time of the year in my opinion. :D

    I took this streaming video of the weather, please look at avatar :o

  5. or being old is when the hairdresser asks you if you want the hairs on your ears trimmed for the first time

    its the shock of first noticing that some of your pubic hairs are turning grey and the even bigger shock when you realise that you are considering getting some hair dye to reverse the process. :D

    :o yes yes!

    Mine are thinking about it, that's for sure! :D

    I try to keep up to date with new music and usually frizbee it out of the car after the first song or two and resort back to the old favourites/easy listening.

  6. Ok...here goes....I have been browsing the net for hours now, looking for things to do in Phuket besides elephant trekking, canoeing, cruises, fantasea etc...I have done it already.

    Now, I see that there is a shooting range, which I am thrilled about but people might get suspicious if i do that for two weeks!!

    Keeping in mind that I am not a middle aged man seeking to buy girlie entertainment, does Phuket have anything else to offer? ( I'm looking for something a bit different here!!)

    I have already posed this question to a group of friends ( who happen to be middle aged engineers...enough said!) and well...no joy. They did suggest golfing..but despite being Scottish I'm not terribly interested in it. Drinking..and ahem..." going shopping for girls" was all they could come up with.

    I would hate to spend two weeks dying of boredom.....mental stimulation is a must!!!

    I pretty sure my engineer friends were right...but I am grasping at straws......anybody?????


    The shooting range is a blast, but it is expensive (depending on the firearm) to go to every day.

    A few posters before me, have given you some great ideas.

    I am also not into the bar scene that much and I sometimes go out and stay on some of the Islands, like Koh Yao Noi and Yai. They are beautiful Islands, with hardly a soul on the beach.

    Another idea is fishing trips, golf, bowling and relax!

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