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Posts posted by Tornado

  1. I never use travellers cheques. You get good rates using your ATM card in machines here. I have a current account with Nationwide Building Society which has no foreign exchange charges on card transactions. If you travel a lot it might be worth opening an account with them

    You are right, easier and a great rate......

  2. Well we can spell for a start , we don't say But at the end of every sentence , your beer is piss , you make crap cars, crap films, crap music, have no History , and quite frankly smell.... :D

    ps What has the size of our country to do with pride ?

    :D love it!

    "Well we can spell for a start " - only the football teams name.

    "we don't say But at the end of every sentence " - you do if it follows head.

    "you make crap cars" - They loved the new Monaro on Top Gear!

    "crap films" - you must be talking about Braveheart :o

    "have no history" - 40,000 years of it actually :D

    "and quite frankly smell" - like flowers?

    "What has the size of our country to do with pride ?" - stop listening to those bar girls Chon - size does matter! :D

  3. I give the old beggars money, where it goes, I do not know or care really. The smile is worth 20 baht in my book.

    They are not all "mafia" controlled, some of them are just homeless.

    I was locked up once for a night in a Jail here in Thailand (nothing major, had a problem with a farang and we both had to stay in - we were mates by the end of it and we paid 500 baht and made big apologies to the police), I met a limbless beggar in the jail (he was locked up for begging). His story was truly horrible. When he was born he was sold and the "owner or mafia" cut off all of his limbs, as the limbless get better money due to the obvious reasons. He had been on the street all of his life - it was the sadest story I have heard in Thailand :o

  4. my wife uses a program that is quite brilliant, the name is "Computer Time 2001".

    It shows the keys on the screen. You do not look at the keyboard at all as the keys on the screen "light up" so as you know where to put your fingers...... she went from being a computer dummy, to a computer "fast typer" in about 1 month.

    The program also allows you do the same in English.

    she is now up to about 40 words per min in only 3 months.

    Her computer teacher gave it to her, I could burn you a copy if you like and send it to you - let me know?

  5. I recommend you to post this poll in the FARANG GIRLS section. I do not post there, and will not vote there....

    Do you know why? Shall I explain now everybody on this forum every single reason, why I do not post anything in the FARANG GIRLS section? :D

    NO! please spare us from your long winded reasons :o

  6. :o It never ceases to amaze me. The posts that catch peoples attention.

    something as trivia as whether it is better to run, skip or just loll and watch the world go by on an esculator can have everyone hammering at the keyboard in responce. Too much time on your hands, I say.

    :D yes you are right.

    You also participated in the thread - thanks :D

  7. Yes I do!

    Am I proud of it - NO!

    I think with the relaxed laws here in Thailand, it does not deter you from doing it.

    Yes I understand That I could be classed as a menace to society, but I drive well drunk or sober and am very carefull......

    If there was an honest Tuk Tuk driver in my area, I would pay the fee.........

  8. I like the soap dodgers :D

    As I am a decendant of a soap dodger and have a little soap dodger myself, I do get quite peeved at the English soccer thug. I get on well with them, but England as a country gets stereotyped because of them.

    I have been to quite a few games in the Uk and other countries and actually find it hilarious that "full grown" men with families live for this sport.

    The whole family revolves around it and Dad is kickin some other teams supporters face in :o

    Even British mates in Thailand wear the team shirt all the time and thier houses are decorated in team and country colours :D

    What have you guys got to be so pround of?, your country is the size of Victoria, the weather is crap, fuel is expensive, your food is crap, your beer is warm, you pat TV tax :D and your women are gross.......... then again you do have your football :D

  9. I think in general, women are a bit more concerned about what is appropriate. Also women don't need the ego boost that men seem to by having a girl young enough to be a daughter or even granddaughter. I would also say, women need a bit more than good sex in a partner.

    :D Dear me :o

  10. hmmmmm, raising the dead......I think I can do it

    Looooooook intoooooo the back of your eyyeeeeeelids

    you are feeling veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery non sleeeeeeeeeepppyyyyyy

    think of a haaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy plaaace.

    Looooooooooooook around you and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the itchy wooooorms

    Wake up ya lazy bugger!

    when I count to three you will waaaaant to wake up and live aaaaaagaaaain




    Any good? :D

    Da dada!

    :o It worked!

    Now if I could only find a HYPNOTHERAPIST :D

  11. Bird - Thongchai McIntyre seems to be his original name ... and he seems quite young?

    personnally I really do not care whether he is gay or not, I like his music, the rythmn and even the lyrics because they make me smile...( translated into english of course... I know nothing of Thai language :o ) ...

    He is said to be also an accomplished t.v. and movie actor. ... ??

    yes he looks great for his age, but he is much older than he looks, around 47 I think!

  12. Every time I go to a shopping centre I am amazed how lazy people are.

    The escalators in Big C are the flat type (walking platform) and people stand and wait, instead of walking. The world is getting very lazy, do these people think that they are at an amusement park and this is an amusement ride?

  13. Yeah that Bird whatsitsname track is quite good, havent a clue what hes singing about but i like the tune.. the TGF reckons the singer is gay... he looks a bit gay to me so she could be right.

    Bird or Bert ?

    A little stroy about him.

    The prince and his wife went to see a Bird or Bert concert quite a few years back.

    The Princes wife gave flowers to Bird or Bert and the Prince was in a jealous rage and had Bird or Bert brought to him. The Prince then had all of his hair cut off and banished Bird or Bert out of Thailand for so many years............... ask your wives they will give you the run down......... BTW, Bird or Bert is gay!

  14. A fellow did a similar thing near to where I live. He used to play in front of his cap. One day I went past and he had 2 caps??

    I asked him why he had 2 caps, and he said "Oh, I was doing so well, I decided to open another branch"

    :o I liked that.......

    2 caps would be normal for a Tasmanian :D

  15. Bert (pom mai me fan), loso (mai by pantip) and ooooooooh tanokon (spelling?)

    OOOOOOOOh has the best voice I have ever heard from a Thai singer and the song "hooa Jai gadart" is brilliant.

    I have quite a few cds in the car and when out in Thai social circles I tend to show off a bit :D

    oh oh jeb was also a favourite of mine, maybe me and fatter than can start a boy band :o

  16. ok, here goes.....

    Looooooook intoooooo my eyyeeeeeeeees

    you are feeling veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery sleeeeeeeeeepppyyyyyy

    think of a haaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy plaaace.

    Looooooooooooook around you and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the suuuuuuuunshine

    Stop smoking ya big jessey.

    when I count to three you will wake up and not waaant to smooooke anymooooore




    that'll be 5,000 satung please.  :D

    I am already dead, so I cannot follow your greatly appreciated late help. :D

    5,000 satang, Ill double it! You will have to pop round and see the wife as I left everything to her......... you can have her to if ya like :o

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