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Posts posted by chiman

  1. Really appreciate the responses.  


    Don't know if my house was built in the dry season, its a big builder, 1000s of homes near Bangkok.  They are building all year round.  Expect that they are cutting corners, the subs are a mixed bag.  Concerning (and expected) is all the construction debris left about 20CM under the dirt, I have found bottles, pipes, chunks of concrete, cans, etc.  


    My gut feeling was that we needed to fill in that space under the house with rocks and give it time to settle.. now I see, that could take a few years of filling and settling.  This makes the most sense... maybe after a few years, then we could look at landscaping around the small bit of land around our house.  



  2. Hi everyone,


    New build home in a moobahn.  Typical soil washing away around the home, being told its mostly going under the house to fill in the gaps around the construction debris and Micropiles.  


    Was offered a plan to install a 40CM deep smart board skirt around the house, preventing some of the soil and dirt from going under the house, slowing down the erosion process?  Gut telling me thats not a good idea for now .. maybe let it fill up under the house for a few years?


    Aside from dumping dirt each year, layering gravel, sand, soil, etc.  Is there anything anyone else has experienced that can help me understand what’s going on and how to address it?  


    Thank you 

  3. There is so much garbage everywhere I have gone in this country over the last 15 years.  Side of the road, in a field, on the beach.. the way it gets dumped into the environment here is heart breaking.  There is an island of trash floating in the Gulf of Thailand thats many KM long.  Happy to see the reduction of plastic bags at 7 and such, but it would take education and decades of clean up to really turn things around here... 

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  4. It's news already that cloth coverings don't slow the spread of Omicron as with previous variants (agree or not) .. and before you jump on my back, we wear masks everywhere and are very careful.  The news is Omicron is that contagious .. luckily its "mild" compared to Delta and the original strain, still waiting to hear how mild, triple vaccinated  friend was just hospitalized with Omicron, he and 49 of his colleagues all caught it on a business trip to NYC.  They tested negative PCR before their flight home, and negative on return, then a few days later they were all sick... he was given Monoclonal Antibody treatment.  



  5. Been driving here in Sukhumvit for well over a decade now

    1. Me first mentality on the roads
    2. Ill do whatever is convenient for me, no matter how it effects everyone around me 
    3. Cannot allow merging of cars, see rule 1
    4. Drivers in their black vans, laws do not apply, also see rule 1
    5. Bus drivers and taxi drivers, not sure what they are on still.. but its not good 
    6. Lastly, sense of entitlement stylized driving 

    Stats for Thai Road Deaths are nearly on par with homicide rates in the US.  

    Wasting your time and energy thinking it will improve... it is what it is, be defensive and drive a safe car.  We do not do Tuk Tuks, Motorbikes, and avoid walking on the streets... 

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