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Posts posted by laurentbkk

  1. All that for just a few stuff ????? does a picture is needed for so little ? In a country where the rich murderer can flee the country to avoid prosecusion , showing this story is totally ridiculous. Ok he stole stuff then send him back home and ask him top pay ... I dont see the point to make the headlines. coffee1.gif

  2. Why I am not surprise at all ...... the interesting point would be .. how did he leave ? but when you have so much money everything is possible here ..... I just feel sorry for the policeman familly (I guess they received enough to survive a few years) .

    I am always amazed how fugitives can enter the country to "disapear" and how murderers can flee the country so easily .


  3. Corporal punishment is barbaric , Singapore which want to show to the world how modern they are is making a stupid mistake . I disagree of course with this guy and his Democracy but I think there are other kind of punishment . this is not middle age anymore.

    I agree corporal punishment is a severe punishment but justified in this case. Respect for those who have given their life is more important in my book.

    Do I understand you correctly you disagree with Democracy

    of course not I disagree the written of the word on that monument .... missed one or two words here

  4. the Department of Land Transport promised a more serious curb on vans that pick up passengers without proper license like the one involved in the latest fatal crash.

    How many dead people you need to take serious ACTION ??????? Its like the toll way , No van allow on the right lane or they face 5,000 bath fee ......... drive on the toll and you will see that nothing has ever changed as nothing will EVER changed here about driving and road safety ... Maybe in 30 or 40 years ...

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