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Posts posted by laurentbkk

  1. This is very sad , we have in my country faced similar problems .... just hope things will get to normal .... I dont go to Samet but been there long time ago and enjoyed it until all Bangkok was partying on the island and I lost interest.

    Cleaning beaches and rocks is very tough job. Lets hope this can be avoided in the future.

  2. Why on earth do they need to import farang prostitutes? Do Russians actually travel from Russia to Thailand for a Russian prostitute, would it be easier and cheaper to just go to a brothel in Russia?

    It appears that the Russians don't know how to keep it discreet and should take a few tips from the Thais. The BIB didn't notice all the Thai prostitutes operating in Walking Street. Maybe this is just part of the operation to crack down on all Russian businesses that are taking jobs away from thais.

    If Thais could speak Russian I am sure they wouldnt need Russians in their business here . Unfortunately , the Russians going to Pattaya for holidays dont speak for most of them any English. And you never thought that Thais were the best customers for farang hookers ?

  3. Why on earth do they need to import farang prostitutes? Do Russians actually travel from Russia to Thailand for a Russian prostitute, would it be easier and cheaper to just go to a brothel in Russia?

    It appears that the Russians don't know how to keep it discreet and should take a few tips from the Thais. The BIB didn't notice all the Thai prostitutes operating in Walking Street. Maybe this is just part of the operation to crack down on all Russian businesses that are taking jobs away from thais.

    you have to understand that many foreigners are not interested in "local" services ..... many prefers Caucasian women but enjoy Thailand as holiday destination..

    • Like 1
  4. Stupid and stupid

    Stupid to take someone's life for something so silly

    Stupid to try to touch "penis" and flirt with a straight man

    Why do not ladyboys understand that NOT all men want to sleep with other man?

    Ladyboys never seem to hang around gay bars, but always around straight men bars.

    Easy to understand , lady boys are NOT GAY , that's why they prefer straight men. Ladyboys are women in their heads .

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