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Posts posted by laurentbkk

  1. Compare what should be compare ..... Thailand 20years ago was not as good as now ( I have been here for 20y) ... When I go back to my country I like the well organized road , not so much traffic, good foreign food at good price ...CHEAP wine compare with Thailand . The grass is never greener in the neighbors gardens. Maybe because Houston is a crap city but NYC,Chicago,SF,Seattle are really great to spend time.

  2. First of all my sympathy goes to the families of course ... but do you feel surprise at all ? I drive on the toll way everyday , and everyday I can see those vans driving up to 140/150km/hour, the first danger comes from drivers . I have seen in17 years in Thailand too many accidents involving vans because of speeding, I think its time (for years now) for government to act. Banning alcohol wont help .... but a some behavior for stupid drivers would be better :angry:

  3. I have resided in Thailand for 13 years and have been in the tourism business for all of that time. i have noticed only one year that we did not have some problem that was reported internationally. From scams and ripoffs to Sars, chicken flu and violent politics this country is determined to destroy itself. Corruption is more prevalent than before and I personally have watched as the police will not help law abiding citizens and they police kowtow to "influential people" who are ripping off everyone including Thais. If the good people of this country don't stand up and fight back soon then visitors are going to shy away from here and go to other east Asian countries.

    I agree on this ... I have been living and working here for 17 years and I have the impression that renewing my visa , work permit etc .. is harder and harder ..Now they give me 30days ....then one year as new policy , strange after so many years. Do they do the maximum to send us back to our countries ? If so , I would suggest a return of all Thais living abroad as well. There are still good things of course and the kindness of the people is still here , specially up country ( not phuket, pattaya, samui or tourists spots). I dont think to pay another expensive huge tourism campaign around the world will help either. Time for a serious cleaning if you dont want to see the tourists go in some other places. After all there will always be "single men" to enjoy Thailand.

  4. Now hear is a surprise. Lower? No shyt.

    But no mention of the two real main reasons - the recession in Europe and the rise in the THB. Still in denial!

    Totally agree with this comment , The denial of too strong baht will push many people with low income to travel in other countries , such as Cambodia or Laos but not to mention that Thailand is not attractive anymore , look how Phuket has became ? Not to mention this stupid "gala" dinner which is compulsory and totally over priced that all hotels force you to have. No , Thailand is not on my 1st destination anymore.

  5. One of my friend living in Phuket has a strange visit this morning , a group of policemen asking her for money for the fight with Muslim in the south of Thailand. Pretending to be from the government. Does anyone had to face such demand from official ? Going door by door requesting for funds ? On my opinion I would think its a fraud and one way to ask money from foreigners.

    If anyone had the same story please tell.

  6. That's depresing news because Carrefour will soon become more Big Crap locations selling low quality junk with limited varieties of non Thai food products. My guess is that business will drop because Big C doesn't have much of a clue what the farang customers want. It will be a downward spiral from here for the Carrefour locations.

    This is Thailand here ,the farang community is small ,its normal to find Thai products ... in Europe you dont find so much Thai products in Carrefour France for example . For farang stuff there is still Villa market or Central chidlom . Carrefour was selling farang stuff in few outlets only ,rama4, lad phrao, the one in Rangsit doesnt have any farang product.

  7. Made a suggestion about this many months back.

    1/ Should complete the partly built sky train to Don Muang.

    2/ Turn the biggest unused building into a market like an indoor jata-jak.

    3/ Another big building could be a mall/supermarket.

    4/ Revamp all the other unused buildings as rental or for sale rooms and condos, in a range from basic to luxuary.

    5/ Make all other unused space into parking.

    Should be returning a good profit in a few years.

    I agree with point No 1 .. could be nice to have a sky train or extension from Moochit subway

    No 2 ,there are enough markets in Bangkok

    No 3 also too many malls already offering exactly the same shops

    No 4 hard to transform a terminal into condo

    No 5 parking place ???????? for who ? you need the No 1 if you want people to get rid of their car

  8. Hard to understand what happened there but if the pick up driver ran away ,it might be for some good reason , its very usual in Thailand apparently to run away when drivers do something wrong ,another story with this Truck also in Phuket not long ago killing also ,did the police found the driver ? For this pick up at least there is registration on plate so it might be easy to find the driver after all. Why those killers dont take their responsibilities ? Really hard to understand . :angry:

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