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Posts posted by laurentbkk

  1. This is insane , the police have to wait 15 days before starting investigation ? non sense and stupid ! and all information given should be FREE OF CHARGE for the sake of this little girl ... asking to pay at least 300k prove one thing , there are greedy people . Those kind of information should come from the heart not in view to make money ..not to mention that he offer 50k baht for information ,maybe he cannot offer more. :angry:

  2. Russians caught frolicking on Pattaya Beach

    PATTAYA: -- There is no doubt our Russian friends here in Pattaya know how to have a good time, however sometimes their fun can go a bit too far as demonstrated in this story from Pattaya Beach only 50 meters away from Pattaya Police Station. Members of the public spotted a couple, presumed Russian, cavorting in the water.

    Full story and pictures HERE


    -- Pattaya One 2011-03-02


    Again!! Again and Again. Russians welcome to Thailand. You fit totally being QUALITY TOURISTS......:jap:

    without Russians in Thailand you can say good bye to many hotels , restaurants , tours etc .... they might be low class and have little manners or anything else but they spend money and much more than many other nationalities .. Next time they will go back to their room .. lol :rolleyes:

  3. There are not much infrastructures to welcome quality tourists , some casinos for instance , great marinas to allow super yacht to arrive and stay for a while, super cruise vessels. It could be a good idea ,in fact Taksin tried to do it in Koh chang ( where he owns some lands on the shore). The problem is beside the nice 5* hotels , the streets are not the best to walk around , luxury shops for quality tourists can be found only in Bangkok.

    They have to go and see what is done in other places such as the French Riviera , Sardinia , Marbella , Monaco , the Bahamas etc .. and see what should be in change in Thailand to attract those wealthy tourists.

    At the moment there are nothing to attract them , I dont think those quality tourists enjoyed to stay 24h/day in their luxury hotel.

  4. It's one of the better airports. Of course, minor problems will always happen. Somehow most people in this forum only want to critizise anything here in Thailand. Why do you come here?

    Are you the kind of farang who cannot accept any critics on Thailand ? Did you become more Thai than Thais ? some are here to work , to spend retirement , to enjoy life .. Any critics are good to take and we learn by making mistakes. why you come here if you dont like to see critics ?

  5. When I got back from my latest business trip , I had to wait more than one hour at immigration , so many people there that was totally insane. The airport is nice YES .. is it efficient ? NO ... too long walk from plane to immigration .. think about the elder people or kids or even us when we just spent 10 hours in flight and are exhausted. Everything "good" are the front but the back is terrible. high prices in duty free ( what a joke) and still no Marlboro cigarette since the opening in 2007. Mafia taxi , Mafia parking ..illegal taxi who think all singles men go to Pattaya. I just got back from Seoul ..wow .... that is an international airport , KL , Singapore , Hong kong also .... Many things can be improve for sure if the management of AOT would stop sitting on their asses and see the reality of their airport.

  6. The Taxi Driver must be from Phuket where they have been ripping off everybody for years and nothing is ever done about it.

    totally agree with this comment , Chiang mai is not isolated ,even in Bangkok airport its the same , it happened to me once , taxi wanted to charge 600 baht to go back to my house ...of course with the help of the AOT staff who said it was normal to charge so much without meter. When I asked her name as I wanted to complain she refused to give to me , I took a picture with my phone and she was nuts ... LOL ... anyway there are TOO MANY taxis in this country and of course too much competition . but still so much cheaper than Europe.

  7. Those vans drivers are crazy , in that case I am sure he was driving too fast as usual and didnt have time to see the truck in the front. And that story will not change mentality where people think they are protected from accident by all those religious things in their cars or vans.

    Will it change anything in the future ? of course not , there are just little rules and laws in this country for drivers , send those drivers to school and learn how to drive properly , when you bring passengers its the minimum they could do for safety.

    Thailand has one of the highest rates in dead or injured in car accidents in the world. It seems that it doesnt bother the politics as nothing ever changed except a few alcohol test done in the middle of Bangkok , apparently nothing is really done upcountry.

    See the facts during New year and soon during Songkran.

    What happened to this 16 years old driver who cause a terrible accident on the toll way ??? seems the story is already 6 feet under.

  8. Strange for me that so called Hi So ladies go in those kind of places even for a drink , there are better in Pattaya , regarding those male models , no one ever earn that much in shooting pictures for magazine ... We perfectly know how those so called Hi So would have told the manager , they probably looked at him from very high above and send him to hell ( or how dare you telling us to leave we are HiSo , you are nothing).

    The result of such anger is of course outrageous but we all know in the night wold people have hot temper , that doesnt excuse the beating. Too much maffia around sex and night life in this country.

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