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Posts posted by laurentbkk

  1. I don't recognize myself in this article , I don't own a beer bar , I don't have "fun" with local girls , I never go out in those areas where sex is offered , I might be boring ,sure , I assume myself very well in my simple life ..

    Don't put the eggs in the same basket Mr Dan Waites , that is maybe your life but not mine and apparently not the one of many others , what you describe are usually tourists unless you are being ironic on the concept. There are many reasons to dislike someone , been living here for 20 years and have seen a few PM in power , Taksin was not the best or the worse , he just thought he could run the country like he runs a company.

    "It’s an ugly stereotype. Or, rather, it’s several ugly stereotypes rolled into one. And it’s also wildly inaccurate in the case of many expats, who are decent people living in Thailand for any number of decent reasons. But like all stereotypes, it has a basis in reality. There are people like those I’ve described above living in this country"

    YES I agree its only stereotype and I stop you right away , there is NO basis in reality at least for myself and I am sure for many other expats.

  2. Big C is still Big C regardless of the name on the building. The selections are already changing and shows no signs of letting up. I want my CA FOO! Time to shop at Villa and Foodland I suppose.

    Maybe so, but I was in the Pattaya Carrefour/Big C Extra store last week, and many of the cheese and butter products are/have been replaced by French products branded Casino. Which I believe is the parent company of Big C. Same same but different!

    Groupe CASINO owns Big C ,its a huge retail company in France and usually not bad quality compare with some other brand names. The product under Casino will be equal to those offered from Carrefour as usually it comes from the same producers. ;)

  3. Make Don Mueang an airport hub for private jets

    That is the funniest comment from Taksin , how many private jets are coming to Thailand ? He tried to attract wealthy people in here with his Elite card , a total flop ... There is nothing in Thailand to attract wealthy people , specially those who owns private jets , they prefer to go to Mediterranean in summer and Caribbean in winter. Its normal to promise the moon during campaign , Taksin isa good at it . :lol:

  4. Good work BIB...we don't need foreign perverts flogging this kind of stuff operating here in Pattaya. Also, this is not the first time this shop has been raided by the police.

    LOL you are jocking arent you ? farang living here for some time are always those who throw the stone to other farang .. what a pitty ..... Pattaya has a reputation and not only from foreign perverts ...I like the" kind of stuff" , sex toys are sold on every pavement in Bangkok it doesnt bother anyone. its true better have the top less dancers in some gogo bars than plastic toys.:lol:

  5. Good man, I hope people take notice of it.

    It always surprises me when I see girls travel aloneanywhere, in Europe or Asia. It is common sense to travel with friends anywherethey go. I think the parents have responsibility to stop their children especiallygirls to travel alone or they can become target anywhere in the world

    Ridiculous ... Thailand always have been a safe place for travelers , specially women , this mystery case will be buried like so many others in this country , you shouldn't scare tourists.. that is the official version .... I agree with this father ,he just want to know what happened to his daughter and cannot be blame for looking for the truth.

  6. Oh well ...by letting the horse of Troy into the country you have to face consequences. Cheap Chinese product will be EVERYWHERE not to mention that as many countries specially in Europe impose severe import duties for Chinese product , Thailand will become the new transit door of Chinese product as when it comes from Thailand duties are limited ... China made a another goods move in this trick . Too bad .... for Thai products. I cannot understand why the government allow this . Its kicking his own butt .

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