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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. So where are we going with this? Are you advocating people who get caught speeding are given a joint and told to proceed?
  2. And flies. I have a large field nearby which gets used to grow cassava, and they used chicken shxt on it once, and it sure brought flies!
  3. I am waiting of one from Wuhan, they should know what they are doing there!
  4. Have to eat cake.... damn you need eggs for that too! I hope my neighbours don't supplement their food supply by getting a load of chickens, and a cockerel, to add to the noise their damned dogs make!
  5. So you believe he knew of the laws he was breaking and the police were looking for him before he posted his video...... It really is not how social media is used by young folks, it is a look at me NOW thing, surely!
  6. Isolated enclaves in Cambodia, and probably that would be what we get here. I had a good night out in Pattaya recently, and adding up the damage to the wallet was a bit of a shock... but we don't need Vegas numbers! I think gambling is moronic!
  7. He isn't going to jail for 5 years..... foreign media will be all over it and it would hardly reflect well on Thai tourism.
  8. So now we don't need casinos and 4am nightlife?
  9. Crikey, magic mushrooms, cannabis and bars open until 4am..... it will be like living in a daze!
  10. Although 'make it just like Las Vegas' does not sound too attractive to me......
  11. Oh I don't know... he is Thai and an ex-PM. Perhaps has more right to spout off than all the talking heads on this forum!
  12. Yes I have heard no mention of him, surely his licence to operate at least should be revoked. The Dutch guy may well not have known he was fishing in a National Park.... (ignorance is not the best excuse), but he is being used as a patsy to distract from wider spread violations.
  13. What was he doing, stocking a zoo back home. Skinks of all things!
  14. Probably like my house whereby a single breaker feeds multiple outlets and lighting etc, and a single 32 amp overload breaker is the only 'protection'... plenty enough power to start a fire.
  15. My case of beer went up nearly 10% recently and a service at my home by 25%.....and the Mrs complains every time she comes back from the market!
  16. So did I. If this guy can't keep his promises, he should resign! (That will be a first).
  17. I always felt I got a rather cynical 'wai' from those places with male serving staff..... but elsewhere when I leave a tip for the girl I often get a reasonable one and dip of the head. I don't feel much concern over what they think of me really.
  18. Let us know...last time I went in there it looked like everything was shutting down.
  19. Your post is full of errors..... The Police let all ride without helmets, more especially their own. Foreigners are, more likely to be challenged in central Pattaya. I personally do not drive through red lights..... I would like the police to be more diligent and work more to improve driving standards. I am in Thailand because I like it here.... simply, driving could bear improvement.
  20. Ever seen Simon Keys..... caught him on National Geographic and enjoyed his fearless skills?
  21. You need to direct your comments elsewhere, they seem out of place to someone who has lived here many years.
  22. Why not? Perhaps they go on holiday looking for something better. Complaints like this seem to be the only thing that gets local authority's attention..... they don't care about residents much. Don't release your breath but I think I saw some work going on the Klang pavement recently!!!!
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