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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. There was a list on Thai TV last night... I saw a 17yo on it,
  2. Never took to that canned 'draught' having a preference for the Murphys version.
  3. Exactly, both drivers should have been tested. Apparently an argument over the meaning of 'sedan' is more relevant!
  4. And do these belatedly uncovered infringements lessen the severity of what happened or the fact places like this are allowed to operate with apparent impunity and lack of oversight?
  5. Chill out, I never said anything about you, why so paranoid?
  6. It is a dangerous game to play but I have used a M/C here for many many years.... although I have been cutting back a lot recently, more to do with my age.
  7. There have been syndromes, issues etc created for all manner of odd behaviors, as well as many now being classified as acceptable or to be supported..... although getting hammered is more frowned upon now, unless you are a man wearing a frock at the time.
  8. Oh I got one of those.... but impractical for some journeys.
  9. Heck no, it irritates me enormously when a man gets up on the GGB stage or some drunk fool stats to misbehave! This Indian guy is no big deal!
  10. What you going to do, one has to get around.
  11. Not unusual.... I heard the rent for The Hungry Hippo was similar...
  12. And what percentage of those are Thais? Likely over 90%. Many ride motorcycles and survive......
  13. That was at the 7/11 I believe.
  14. Simpler than that.... just gets exuberant when drinking too much. Other nationalities have done similar multiple times before him. Some get on stages in GGBs.
  15. Well he didn't. It would be a struggle to sell enough curry to cover that large rent.
  16. Jeez, the stuff they have managed to get completed is now all coming tumbling down!
  17. If they have not got the manpower to finish the project, why even start it? The whole City is disappointed and angered by this ineptitude and stupidity that has got worse despite an easing traffic situation. If the Mayor did not employ fellow cronies and even relative owned companies he could at least bring some pressure to bear!
  18. Damn that wheelchair ramp!
  19. I am not here to help along addicted people who stupidly dull their senses, and hence cannot see reality.
  20. We would like to think so wouldn't we..... but over the years I have seen evidence it is.
  21. She looked good on stage in the low lighting.......when she said she was going to change I wasn't expecting by so much!
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