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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. If you think it okay to break the rules of the road, you fit in perfectly...
  2. Because also of the theft insurance I presume she did not have. (Usually obligatory to have insurance when the car is bought with a loan.)
  3. Like the middle men in the lottery ticket selling game?
  4. Or even pay graft to get the job.... being corrupt is on the application form!
  5. With the number of holes in the roads and pavements due to incomplete construction, it must be a challenge to get the place to flood!
  6. And... Sunday I was very near to being hit by an idiot falang with a soppy small dog on his handlebars, who was also using his phone... moving slowly well over to his left. (Buakhao, no pavement.)
  7. For each and every such examples many more credible sources can be found supporting the opposite view. Even the view Swedes were not wearing masks is false.
  8. Then you fit the mold perfectly if this were to be implemented. People who think they know better and drive dangerously over the speed limits needs to be addressed. If they simply chuck the tickets away, they should be prosecuted... and in the case of foreigners, any ensuing convictions should reflect at immigration at Extension renewal time. Thailand certainly does not need to import scofflaws, as it has plenty of its own.
  9. And based on that sample of one we deny the science?
  10. Hardly..... just get on with life.
  11. Not happened at my place... local market seems to be cash orientated and Mrs still needs cash off me. I have started paying some utility bills by scanning a QR Code on my phone... it is slick.
  12. No, I would rather have them follow the laws....... I am a foreigner here and I don't seem to get hassled by the police in a way you suggest.
  13. He could also be a summer worker, like a younger person working hard in construction for the spring and summer months... these types of tourists likely spend quite a lot. Thailand would do well to make them welcome, rather than having them go to neighboring countries.
  14. It is how many of the older generation were introduced to cigarettes too..... I didn't think much off that first time, but still ended up encumbered by an expensive health affecting habit/addiction for 20 years.
  15. So he wasn't attacked by a dog?
  16. When they all went on benefits....or retired etc etc.
  17. This was just some male server guy behind the bar. But it shows how they don't think outside of their own little circle.... or simply don't think.
  18. So they start Monday.... it chucked it down like hell yesterday!
  19. I think it is commendable you know little about colons!
  20. Its not for the customers.... There was a Pattaya GGB getting complaints of warm beers and the manager was a bit perplexed by it, as he checked before opening time stock was cold and plentiful. Discovered the guy fetching it turned the fridge off as it made his hands cold.
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