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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. Poverty pressure..... Bet the police are used to putting their feet up too.....
  2. I told the Mrs to shin up there and drop the big ones... she said we have to get a monkey, I said I got one... had to make my own tea!
  3. Well it sort of was a free market, something lauded over in Western Countries... Feel sorry for a lot of poor and disabled sellers ....
  4. Darn... have 3 trees in the garden and you got me concerned......
  5. Divide by 2.204 for Kg... but she was a big lass, more 'chins' than a Chinese telephone director.
  6. Surely organic means the same as it does for vegetables.... grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents.
  7. Ambivalent.... I watched a UK News report where a woman complained how expensive it was to feed her kids nowadays.... but she appeared to be over 200 lbs and morbidly obese.
  8. I think the concern for me is rabies and the fact there are so many running around in packs!
  9. It doesn't go out much for shopping, buys from a cat-alogue.
  10. Nothing worth reading. She needed a Visa, the fact she was your girlfriend or wife at that time is not relevant. As far as I know she needed a Visa. USA Nationals can enter Thailand Visa Exempt, The USA does not reciprocate.
  11. I can take the heat just fine... just not your disinformation. Hospital treatment is free of charge for people who are ordinarily resident in the UK. Source.
  12. So does my cat need to wear a mask now outside and when on a motorbike?
  13. That came about under pressure from the medical services in LOS, that claimed they were being left with large unpaid hospital bills from foreigners who had no insurance (or money). Why it was applied to O-A specifically did not have much sense behind it... all the reports we had of unpaid medical bills seemed to be from crazy tourists getting involved in motorcycle accidents.. likely on TV or Exempt permissions.
  14. I do hope this is not a random idea... this article makes it sound that way.
  15. Are the tourist police back on duty these days?..... Those guys playing with their phones usually keeps things calm!
  16. To you! Rules are not made based on that perspective. Considering some of the comments you post that is perhaps not the wisest direction. Paranoia will cloud that judgement... No need to wear a mask on a motorcycle.... but have one handy in case stopped by police....
  17. Didn't look like it yesterday.... bit of vehicular traffic on the Klang but Buakhao seemed quiet. Not sure if the forecast rain kept them out, but in reality it was clear and sunny, and oppressively hot.
  18. Well it does not sound trivial, and it is difficult to predict how badly one might be impacted. Sounds to me like you should avoid catching it.
  19. So long as you don't expect a free carrier bag!
  20. It might be nice if I could get my supplies to fill up my fridge while I do my early Sunday shop....
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