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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. I assure you they exist.... Surprised you have missed them, as they often occupied spots at the entrances to Malls and supermarkets.
  2. Well the major supermarkets, like Big C and Lotus also have the restrictive hours. Stopped the groups of farangs drinking in AC comfort and at supermarket prices in the food courts.
  3. They had a good run though! I expect the old numbers racket based on the lottery to persist.
  4. Saturday already.... missed that opportunity!
  5. Jeez guys, get on with it.... you are just keeping the 'control conspiracy' guys chirping out from under their beds! Time to let go.
  6. Stop trolling me..... What I said is true.....
  7. I was thinking that as there was a National Health Service, supplied free at point of need, supplementing that with some private cover might well be reasonable in the UK. Insurance is a complicated thing in Thailand .....
  8. Yes they were even on a special offer at the place in Sri Racha a month or so ago. Phyatgai Hospital.
  9. Shame, that used to be a nice area and a pleasant stroll. An asset to the condo buildings nearby too.
  10. How about the USA starts the ball rolling by giving 30 Visa free days, as Thailand gives to USA citizens?
  11. Just my Mrs in my case..... and I think that is purely because she heard of the health benefits of a glass in the evening... and the fact that I buy it, so she doesn't drink my beer.
  12. You need someone extremely facetious to do that... I qualify!
  13. I await a special sale and consumption area to be opened shortly on the newly improved Jomtien Beach!
  14. Surely where the crime occurred is the place it should be prosecuted?
  15. We have a lot of examples of guys in nice decorated shirts 'inspecting' things, but they also need to 'crack a whip'.......
  16. And someone renting out Villas short term, ie Party Houses, making neighbour's lives a misery.
  17. I don't think this is about Covid.... it is meant to be a free to the public beach...... It is what happens in Thailand, free space with foot traffic gets acquired. Even in the Malls, the car parks get taken over by market stalls and little shops spring up inside, making the walking space cramped and seating difficult to find. Hardly surprising, I hear rule enforcement in Jomtien is loose, they make Pattaya police look positively conscientious!
  18. I recall a change in the past, where big national park fees went from 400 to 500 for foreigners, and from 40 baht to 100 baht for Thais. That is the 50% reduction in the ratio I thought you inferred. Here is an up to date list...
  19. Err, are you for real? They are paid by the State. Despite what they claim, quite well. Doctors come from many countries to seek jobs working for the UK NHS service.
  20. Any comment as to the cost of going private in the UK? I have not been happy with insurance costs and limitations here in Thailand.
  21. Many have made that mistake, having some monks chant and trail string all around the place, the old crones drool over a tray of money and gold, followed by some food and a few beers isn't official, in fact it can be official without that expensive bit.
  22. Sprinkling a bit of sand here and there..... loads of experience after the beaches of Pattaya and Jomtien have been done.
  23. I think January 5th, in time for Chinese New Year, is more likely! Good start for this new Mayor and all his campaign promises!
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