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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. So what, is it a race.... is the target perhaps number of infections or something?
  2. So she had to get a Visa despite being married to a USA Citizen....? USA guys can enter Thailand without a Visa. That is not better. 2007... long time ago. I got my Mrs a Visa for the UK... it was no mean feat, but did allow her to stay quite a long time... neither of us wanted to!
  3. In North Texas I had to drive a few Km to be able to get a six pack... in Pa some nonsense about beer from a particular type of shop only on Sunday... yet we got guys on here going on about Thailand's ways!
  4. Agreed, the one that did sell quickly I thought was a low price.
  5. Or, if you do not know who it is, block it. I have had strange calls, where someone shouts at you in Thai, purporting to be from Nicaragua!
  6. But not on a Sunday in many areas of the USA... now there was a place with confusing alcohol selling restrictions!
  7. There is always a fear China will take control and they are hardly known to be sympathetic. The guy does have Taiwanese Nationality.
  8. Perhaps they have other responsibilities than to bring back mask cry babies to the country. Their approach seems to have kept the number of deaths from Covid down to under 1/5th of say the UK.
  9. I have houses around me that I suspect have spent a total of 20+ years on the market... varying from near a decade to a year or two. That said one did sell quickly.....
  10. So some mobster types went round to sort out someone not paying their debts using knives and the big issue is that a dog got killed?
  11. The staff are all kids and they seem happy enough.... many are exceptionally polite and try to communicate in English.
  12. wrt these mRNA vaccines. It is claimed they are 70% effective against Omicron variant...but.... that efficacy wanes over time, as does protection received from prior infection. People will not continue with further 'boosters' which is what they keep telling us is required. I do feel I was misled in the early days as to the benefits of vaccination. I thought 2 jabs and it was done with back then.
  13. I have yet to see any of the staff chained to the tills.... the dog was free to leave too!
  14. Nothing new indeed.... walk out of the Areca hotel at that time and still get yelled at to go have a drink at the bars opposite.
  15. 'en-mess', very droll. ????
  16. Baht is both the currency and a weight measure....14.7grams.
  17. Absolutely, there is an underlying sadness to this situation.
  18. Got rid of the Thaichana one a few weeks back, never even installed that one.
  19. As is your right..... Personally I find that quite ridiculous. The masks will not be staying forever, unless pollution fills the void Covid leaves behind. That is being somewhat paranoid.
  20. I think there is more to it than simply having rooms upstairs or making a declaration.
  21. Never say never as is said...... Freedom of Oz..... quite ironic don't you think with some of the Covid measures they made there earlier in the pandemic.
  22. Yes I have distributors near me that do not seem to have a problem selling a few cold ones from the fridge, or a case at 3pm.
  23. Not if one expects a new strain that might come from a different line.
  24. There used to be a dog sat at the back of my local 7-11, not at the entrance for you to step over, but well inside. Lay down near the cold meats chiller.... presumably wandered in each day, and the staff didn't seem to think it an issue. The joke was it was the owner keeping an eye on things.
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