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Everything posted by jacko45k

  1. Yes, me too..... many years ago. Fit my needs and my pocket all those years ago, and location excellent. Did I read it had closed for good recently? PS I am far from being a young lad.
  2. I have concerns, originating from watching the UK saga on the morning news. Remember the UK has passed 80% full vaccination of all 16+ citizens. I thought that since then, they simply were looking for these vaccinated people to also perhaps get an infection, boosting resistance, but, since they are vaccinated, no need to worry. New infections has been rising still....actually not far below the 3rd wave peak now, More of a concern... Hospitalizations are still rising...4.7% week on week. Deaths still rising....25% week on week currently. And more concerns... there used to be a large gap between 3rd wave hospitalizations compared to 2nd wave hospitalizations (per new infections).... I seem to recall it was 1/3rd as many, more recently it is 4/5th... nearly the same! Also deaths... relating 3rd wave to 2nd wave it was 1/5 about a month ago... now that has eroded to 1/3rd. The vaccine efficacy hailed months ago is certainly waning. I hope others see what I try to say here and can help me out. Where is this going, what does it tell us beyond get the #3 vaccines regime rolling?
  3. It is perhaps from the same comment I recall six or more months back, and represented a total figure, rather than a per capita one.
  4. Well it is entirely possible some local neighbours were none too sad at the plight of the dogs due to past irritations.... It would be a risk to do it openly and perhaps incite the wrath of the ex-boxer dog owner. My old street had a dog that terrorized all who went by on foot, but especially on a motorbike. Until one day it attacked a policeman who shot it.... I was not too sad. but suppressed a smirk!
  5. Yes that will alleviate the tax deficit, bring in a family of 5 to 8, give them taxpayer housing and benefits and send their kids to taxpayer funded schools......
  6. I believe the Mor Pror App asks Thais..... they don't care what happens to you.
  7. I expect you do... but why not carry a picture on the phone's memory of the vaccination certificate? That would suffice, when and IF they start asking.
  8. Well there is one guy usually handling reception where I go, who will very likely sour your day before you even get started. Plus their disregard at making you stand in line at a single bottleneck shows complete disregard for people. Once past that, it is usually fine. Colour of photo-background, and pen, well try renewing a UK passport and get it there.
  9. Absolutely.... they use the junction of 2 main highways near me and can be heard for miles.
  10. And for the rest, Lao Khao will do the job. Even locally produced beer is rather overpriced here nowadays.
  11. Looks like they had the help of Madam Tussauds.... odd looking chap.
  12. What more do the large Pattaya frontage hotels offer beyond that.....overpriced teetotal fruity cocktails to 8pm?
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