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  1. Someone in Thailand should start a Go Fund Me. It should help.
  2. The US elections are the joke to the rest of the world. All the crude insults from each party to each other is so childish. Grow up and run the election on policies not personalities. Leader of the free world needs to do better.
  3. Pity we in the UK don't charge shop lifters. You can steal £200 plus, walk away and the police will not even come out to investigate. A packet of vitamins would just be seen as a joke. No wonder everyone wants to come to UK for free goods.
  4. Jews deserve better then a Zionist government. Get your politician's to understand the world would be more peaceful without Benjamin Netanyahu and move the 500,000 Israelis settler's back into Israel. There will never be peace whilst you keep Netanyahu in power.
  5. I remember 25 years ago in a bar in Hong Kong with a friend. When my fried stuck up a conversation with an older working women. He told her he lost his cheery at The Bottoms Up Club, with a young lady just after the 2nd world war and her name was ruby. The older lady replied my name is Ruby and I was working just after the war at that club, Still working 61 years later.
  6. Thank to all those who replied. Very helpful. JH
  7. I have a Thai friend with duel nationality. Thai and Vanuatu. She owns property in the UK with a long time partner and spends 6 months in the UK and 6 months in Thailand. She is unable to travel to the UK on her Thai, passport without a visa but was able to travel on her Vanuatu 60 visa free country passport. However since last year 2022 the British Government now state she will need a visa to enter on her Vanuatu passport. My question is with her long term partnership and property in the UK would she have a problem getting a visa form the British Embassy in Thailand to travel to the UK for 6 months.?
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