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Everything posted by bristolgeoff

  1. Everyone knows bars in the city are closed and the mam and pop shop in the village will open and sell brooze.The police and anyone else can go even monks too may go,but the town bars no.Every year the same
  2. I forgot the red bull heir time is nearly over and he is free maybe thaksim can sort that if thailand gets a f1 race.The big boss sorted everything as usual even if his whole family are knee deep in sleeze
  3. Now they is a surprise first thaksim then the daughter is pm.The sister coming next just needs a illness to makeup and be in hospital.The leader of the party has spoken and no one would be surprised
  4. We all know what happens at night and it does not exist illegal.what was she thinking she run away or get customers from the thais on the beach working.Police will laugh catch her and the rest will follow.Prison fines bye bye and never come back.
  5. I believe many come here after playing soldier,but they know not to say too much on where they come from.They know outside of europe or the west they are not liked by some.So how they behave in pai has the thais upset and they don,t want those kind of people there.The restaurants will serve anyone but cause problems you are not welcome.The russians down sth are they and money keeps them there and thais happy.Look at other parts of the world and you see the same issues there
  6. Just like others drunk,walking or driving where did that come from.I did not see it before
  7. He learn,t a valuable lesson if u buy lady drinks and refuse to pay you know what will happen next time
  8. First time farang maybe what was thinking doing this.just like saying i saw young ladies selling themselves in bars and on street,I thought it was illegal to sell sex or offer sex there
  9. A good muslim and drunk,hit the policeman.A large brown evenlope needed and he will be lucky to get out of trouble on this case
  10. Insurance report back home my gold was nicked.Somehow indian insurance companies will be checking it out
  11. If the comments said are true he was questioned released and lived legal why or what happened now
  12. Everyone knows thais go across the borders to gamble,to cambodia poi pet or laos.Keep it in house and the money stays in thailand being happening for yrs
  13. Silly thing to do as someone grassed him up for sure.Competition and the thais will sell the same and the rest is history for him
  14. Will go down like a lead balloon,no one will listen and the neighbours will continue to do the same.The burning season in cnx and areas will start soon and nothing will happen as usual good days and some bad days wear a mask
  15. From a western country for sure and he would use the race card at the first chance he gets.Africian maybe and when he was told pay the bill he got upset.
  16. From what i know the phillipines has a online thing u fill in before entry free of course.Tells them who is coming and with the passport they know everything.Online forms takes 5 mins to complete so the thais if they do the same i,am ok with that.You don,t do it on the plane or at passport controll.
  17. Most thais love their dogs but the rule is a lead needed on beach i would do it.Otherwise you get yourself in a story like this
  18. Smoking is legal also laughing gas in late night bars are many.Maybe brown evenlopes in that area would have helped.Maybe the island too and the way they do business
  19. You will be the pm I will be in charge.Ok dad no problem I follow your orders
  20. On a plane the person is stupid and for sure someone will film it on the phone.Tell the flight hostess game over.He is in trouble for breaking safety rules
  21. The burning season will start soon and this will not change.
  22. She is taking the blame and if the farang was at the wheel the thais are very good at saying take me to hospital.He would be paying more for everything,so he may pay after to the girlfriend
  23. Phuket from what i know expensive too many russians.pattaya not so bad but similar.I don,t think pattaya has to much to worry about.
  24. Seems alot if they was fault with the helicopter they maybe have a case.Maybe down to maintenace who knows and how old was it.The courts will decide this one,but the price is like pie in the sky figures to me
  25. A risky business in BKK for sure or elsewhere in thailand.Will the driver get the right punishment maybe or just a fine.
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